I'll Jump for You Bill Kaulitz

And Closer to the Edge...

To calm myself on our way over to the café I shoved A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out into the stereo and turned on Time to Dance, blasting it as high as it would go. And yes, I did scream out the lyrics.

Deidre looked about to kill me when we made it to Strawberry Café.

“Well you get to listen to Tokio Hotel without me complaining much. Let me listen to my Panic,” I explained.

“Fine,” she groaned.

We found a good place to park and got out.

Strawberry Café was amazing because it had everything in it that you could ever want-Sandwiches, Mexican, a Chinese Buffet, a salad bar, pizza, sushi, and amazing snacks, candy, and drinks. It was sorta cafeteria style.

We got our food and went to the second floor where they had a huge flat screen TV and tons of tables to sit at.

“I say some band named Young Love was coming too,” I explained, taking a bite of my salad.

“I’ve heard of him. He sings this song ‘Find a New Way.’ That’s his most popular,” she explained.

“Never heard of it.”

“He sounds English, but he lives here in New York.”

“That’s cool,” but I really wasn’t interested.

I wasn’t that hungry, my stomach was full of butterflies and it didn’t do any good for me to eat.

“They’re gonna be singing their new single,” Deidre said.

They sang Ready, Set, Go on TRL in like May. They must be really popular here or something cause usually that never happened. Singing twice in a year.

“What’s it called?” I pretended not to be interested, but I was. I didn’t even know what the single was.

“Don’t Jump,” she took a huge bite of her vegetable wrap. Deidre was sorta a vegetarian, only when she really felt like being one really. Yeah I know, it makes no sense.

“I remember that one. You play it a lot,” I said, trying to keep up the conversation. I mean if Bill did acknowledge me at TRL then Deidre would really wonder about my sanity.

“Yeah. It’s like my favorite song by them.”

I’ll jump for you Bill Kaulitz…

I watched the news on the TV to try and get him out of my head.

“What time is it?” she asked.


“Okay, hurry up cause we need to go.”

I let out a deep breathe. It wouldn’t be too long until we’d be in a distance of each other again.

This could either be really crappy or really amazing. And considered the last time I had pondered such a question I knew it would be really crappy.
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