I'll Jump for You Bill Kaulitz

Ich Bin Nich' Ich (I Am Not Me)

Bea and I were lying out on my deck on a hot summer day, trying to work on our tans. And of course Tokio Hotel music was blaring on my iPod, which was connected to a huge speaker then when turned up all the way music could be heard from a few blocks over. But of course, my neighbors had to be used to it by now.

“I do not tan,” Bea whined, turning onto her back and slathering some more SPF 4 onto her skin.

“My mom used to use some type of oil back in the day. They were crazy about getting tans back in the eighties,” I explained. I already had a good tan, wasn’t too hard for me even if I was half German and half Irish.

‘Ich Bin Nich’Ich’ came on then, my favorite from Schrei.

“Twenty-seven days,” I smiled.

“Ugh, Tom is going to think I am some albino freak!” Bea shrieked.

“It never said anywhere in proven fact that Tom liked girls with tanned skin. He likes girls that are shorter than him, which you are, and ones that have dark hair,” my eyes peeked from under my big-rimmed Coach sunglasses to look at her newly dyed hair-dark red with black low-lights. Looked gorgeous on her with her pale skin, I didn’t know why she would want a tan just to impress Tom. Not like he would notice her anyway.

“Well of course Bill likes brunettes too, and you’re a bit too tall for him,” Bea smiled.

“He’s six feet tall Bea, do you think I’m six feet tall?” I asked.

“You are super-blonde. I’m telling you, Bill will find you irresistible if you dye your hair back to its natural color.”

“I’ll be dirty blonde then, stupid.”

“At least more guys would like you then. Maybe if you weren’t a blonde you might have lost your virginity already.”

“Bea! The window is open and my parents are right inside the house!” I cried. Ok, well maybe it was just an excuse. I really didn’t like to think about me still being a virgin. Yeah, it was basically a competition in my school. Who could lose it first? And Bea was one of the first, she had been 14. But I didn’t care. I had had few boyfriends, and I was fine with it. I liked not being part of such a competition.

“You were the same age as Tom,” I smiled.

“When I lost it?” she asked curiously. “Jeez, you really know some random things.”

“Well it was on this interview thinger. And he said it was awful,” I stuck my tongue out at her.

“It won’t be awful when he gets me in those baggy jeans,” she smirked.

I dumped my lemonade on her and started to laugh. She hated it when her hair got messed up.

“TARA!!!” she cried, jumping off her chair and chasing me around the deck, ready to tackle me. Eventually I jumped off, but then she just chased me around my huge backyard.

Suddenly my brother and a few of his friends, holding huge Super Soakers, jumped out from behind the bushes.

Bea and I screamed as the cold water blasted us, and they didn’t stop until all the water was gone. They left to go refill and Bea and I sprinted into the house before they could get us again.

I took one look at her. Her eyeliner was streaming down her face.

“You look like a crying emo,” I joked.

“Bill puts on more eyeliner than I do!” she cried, wiping her face off with a towel when we reached the bathroom.

“Oh shit I left my iPod outside. Cam is gonna blast it when he hears Bill singing,” I ran out of the bathroom and onto the deck, grabbed the iPod and the dock, and ran inside just as my brother and his friends came around the side of the house again.

Bea was already changing into some dry clothes in my room when I got there.

I loved my room. Every inch of it was covered by pictures of Tokio Hotel. I even drew the symbol onto my sheets with a Sharpie.

“Do you have anything from Hot Topic in here?” she whined, standing at my closet with only a bra and panties on.

“Nope, and you better settle for Hollister cause if my brother sees you wearing just that then we are gonna have some problems.”

I stripped off my wet clothes and threw on a black shirt that had Bill’s face covering the whole front, my favorite shirt. My mom didn’t know I had it, though, cause I knew she wouldn’t let me wear it out of the house.

“Is that the only black piece of clothing you own?” Bea whined as I flipped on MTV.

“I have a Panic shirt that’s black,” I replied, flipping to Disney because there was nothing else to watch.

“Found it!” she cried and threw it on.

Panic at the Disco had been my obsession before Tokio Hotel, and they were my second favorite band. Of course I wasn’t as obsessed, but at least they were American and their concerts were easier to get to. I’d been to two of them already. And of course, Brendon was my favorite. I had a think for hot guys that could sing, though I barely knew enough about Brendon, well, not compared to Bill I didn’t.

“Everything you have is too big,” and Bea wasn’t trying to be mean of course, it was just that she was a stick and I wasn’t.

“I have some smalls in the drawer.”


When she was done changing she sat next to me on my bed, the only place to sit in my room.

“Have you started to pack yet?” she asked me, running her fingers through her hair.

“Are you kidding me, I started packing the day I found out about it!” I took out some bright pink nail polish and started to touch up my nails.

“Um..why are we watching Wizards of Waverly Place?” Bea asked me with a weird look.

“What can I say, I’m a Disney whore.”

“This is not a princess movie!”

“Psh. I don’t care! This is the ‘I’ll show you a pizza’ episode!” I cried. [inside joke between me and my friends]

“You’re such a prep!”

“You’re such an emo!”

I smiled, and she smiled back. “That’s why we’re such good friends!”

“Always will be,” she hugged me.

“You sleeping over?”

“You know it!”

“And we’re gonna watch sexy Bill on the German Schrei DVD?” I pleaded.

“As long as we get to watch sexy Tom!” she cried.

My mom knocked on the door. “Girls, what are you talking about in there.”

And then she came in without asking. “Madre what if one of us had been changing?”

“Well you’re not,” she frowned and held out something in her hand. “The tickets for the concert, plane, and backstage passes came today.”

I shrieked and grabbed the package ripping it open.

“OH MY GOD BEA LOOK!!!” I screamed, spotting something in the contents of the package as I spilled it out onto my bed.

“SIGNED PICTURES OF ALL OF THEM! I soooo get Tom!” Bea grabbed it and held it to her heart.

I took up the Bill picture in my hands. “Tara-We’re looking forward to a wonderful concert in Rome this August. We hope you and your friend will enjoy it. Love, Bill” (with his fancy signature)

Ahh…I almost melted. Bill writing something addressed to me…made me feel special even though I knew he would have put anyone’s name in to substitute for who one. And when I looked into Bill’s gorgeous face, his hair exploding off the page, I told myself he did write it for me.