I'll Jump for You Bill Kaulitz

Welcome to the Hotel

One Year Later

“Hey hun,” Bill wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed me.

“Bill!” I hugged him. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m not gonna miss out on my baby’s first big fashion show,” he smiled and sat down at the makeup station.

“You wanna be in it?” I laughed, joking of course.

But he looked eager to do it.

“It’s women’s clothes Bill…” well that one was pointless. He wore my clothes all the time.

“But your clothes are quite sexy,” he raised his one eyebrow and ran his hands over his body quite seductively. “They fit my curves nicely.”

I smiled and kissed him, and then he kissed me back and whoa baby it was intense for a bit. But then Scott, the designer I was working with, came back to my station.

He clapped his hands loud. “You two, I’ll turn the hose on you.”

Me and Bill stopped and Scott started to laugh. “Ah, young love,” he smiled. Scott was gay. I mean most guys were in the fashion industry.

You see, after that day on TRL it was like Bea and I were instant stars. We couldn’t walk in the streets without someone pointing us out.

“Hey, it’s the Tokio Hotel girl,” and I didn’t know at first if they were happy or sad about it. I mean Bill Kaulitz was every teen girl’s dream, hadn’t I just broken all those hearts?

Of course the vids of us exploded on Youtube, nearly four million people had seen it by the end of the week. And when I looked at the comments I was surprised. Most of them said that me and Bill looked good together, the fans were happy that Bill had finally found love. And a lot of them said Bea was so right to diss Tom. I mean he had deserved it.

Tom and Bea didn’t last long, only two weeks of actually going out. Even though Bea had changed Tom still had a hard time getting over his manslut-ness.

The first week of school had been killer. I was hating myself, not interested in anything I was doing, and even though Bill would be in America for about a month after I felt like something was missing.

Cam called me every day, saying how I was famous back in Chicago. But I had school and couldn’t visit. Thank God my rents didn’t see TRL or the Youtube vids, they went about oblivious until Cam finally told them what happened. And I guess they were proud of me, I mean how were parents supposed to react in situations like this?

During the first month of school all of our lives changed quite drastically. I practically lived with Bill in his hotel room that whole month. Every night when I went on Myspace I would have hundreds of friend requests. Somehow people had found me and Bea, we were like the Tokio Hotel ultimate fangirls. Everyone wanted to know us.

The second week Jeni got a letter for Juilliard. Supposedly they had seen her act she had indeed been amazing and she got a scholarship, full ride, for acting. It was a dream come true for her.

Me and her soon moved into an apartment of our own since she was making all this money. On her second month on Broadway the girl playing Brooke, one of the main characters, called it quits and Jeni got the spot. Since Jeni was associated with ‘The Girl from TRL,’ the show attracted a lot more people, even if it was such a Broadway flop.

I got a letter my third week of school from Seventeen’s Chicago Office. Apparently they were so amazed by my work that they were going to hire me right on the spot. Unfortunately someone at the office had brought my stuff over to the Forever 21 executives and they sent me a letter the day before Seventeen did.

I started working, with Scott, on clothing for Forever 21. It felt sorta odd walking in there and seeing your designs before you, but hell was I paid good money. I switched over to a fashion school soon after being hired and I was making my way up to the top. H&M liked my designs too, but I only worked with them on the side.

Me and Scott were even invited to Fashion Week in London, a chance I never believed I would get. Bill came with and it was the most amazing week ever, I even saw my own designs on the runway.

I finally felt like I was doing something right, and with both mine and Bill’s busy schedules we didn’t see each other much, but we called each other every day just to say we loved one another.

Tokio Hotel was doing better than ever in the U.S. They sold tons of albums and started touring, which I went on for a bit with them, but stopped when the tour reached Chicago. Even though I was with Bill I couldn’t stand being with four guys all day and night.

The Forever 21 company had an office in Chicago, thank the lord, and I started working there weekends. I got to see all my old friends and my family too. They had never been more proud of me, even though I wasn’t technically going to college anymore. Fashion school was just a few classes a week and besides, I knew everything they taught me.

Bea really did change. I was so surprised when she told me she had got accepted into Illinois State main campus the next year. Plus she started wearing my clothes-the ones I designed-and it was nice to see her preppy. It was certainly a change. She even dyed her hair back to its naturally dark red color.

A few months later Bea told me she was with Gustav, and I felt really happy for them. This new Bea totally fitted him, and he wasn’t so shy anymore. He actually managed to talk without the world dying a little bit inside. =P

And things between me and Bill were good. Like I said we didn’t see each other much, but I knew I could trust Bill and he could trust me. We didn’t want ended what we both had yearned for so long-true love. And we didn’t rush things either. I hadn’t slept with him since that night in Rome and that was good because we wanted to keep it something special.

I didn’t see Deidre or Sarah much cause I was constantly traveling and they were so busy at school. We did talk on aim a lot. And yes, I did explain things to Deidre, and she forgave me. Now both of them understood why I hadn’t wanted to talk about losing my virginity. I was closer with them now that I wasn’t keeping things from them.

And now we were having this amazing fashion show in New York, with all of mine and Scott’s [[imagine Scott looking sorta like Christian from Project Runway]] designs. It felt so good to be doing what I was doing, what I had actually wanted to do in the first place.

The tour had ended and the band was just calming down for a bit before they started recording their next album. Georg had told me there was gonna be a song called ‘Tara and Bea’ but I didn’t really believe him much. I was sure if there was gonna be a song about me and Bea Bill would have told me.

But I sorta wanted a song after me. An actually Tokio Hotel song for it’s biggest fan. That would be great.

Bill always supported me in my work as I did his-I had seen about nine Tokio Hotel concerts already-so he’d be here watching the fashion show.

“Okay, all the models are dressed,” Scott clapped his hand together. “Time to go and talk to the audience.”

I hugged Bill and followed after Scott onto the amazing runway outside in NYC. It was sorta like the runway from the last season of ANTM.

“Remember to use small words, Tom is out there,” Bill called after me.

I felt like I was on top of the world as me and Scott stood on that runway.

“Hello, and welcome to the 2009 Forever 21 fashion show!” I declared into the mic. Large round of applause.

Oh mein gott that was Tyra Banks in the front row and wait…was that…oh my God Miss Jay was sitting right next to her! Ah!!!!!!

Then Scott rambled on about something, probably our designs. He was better at talking to large groups of people then I was.

“…right ‘TRL girl’?” Scott nudged me.

The audience laughed. “Quite funny Scott,” even though I hadn’t a clue what he had asked me.

“So here we go!” we scooted off backstage.

“Kick butt Anya,” I whispered to the first model who smiled wide. Yes, Anya from ANTM. I know man!

Ah life was good.

“Surprise butt sex!” Bill came up behind me and held me by the waist.

I slapped him playfully.

“I’m gonna go out and watch it, kay?”

“Okay,” I kissed him, and our lips lingered for a bit, he smiled and then took a seat next to Tom. Ah boy Tom looked like he was gonna fall asleep. But fashion wasn’t his thing.

Bill was more into it, and he gave me a thumbs up as I was fixing a model’s baby doll dress right before she went on.

I gave him a smile and once all the models were out and quick changing into their next outfits I went to the back and sat in front of the makeup station.

I exhaled, glad this was going so perfectly.

“I’m glad I went to Rome,” I whispered to myself and smiled.
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suggestions for sequel?

i should have the first chapter up by the end of the week. nag me a lot and give me good ideas and i'll have it up before then =]