I'll Jump for You Bill Kaulitz


I was fidgeting way too much at the airport. I was blasting some songs by Phantom Planet, cause I was building up my need for Tokio Hotel, and it was working. I hadn’t looked at a picture of Bill all day.

Bea was off flirting with a hot Italian kid that would be on our plane. The plane was already a half hour late to the terminal cause supposedly there was rain in Philly, and that was where we were picking up some people.

Her mom was sitting next to me, checking her e-mail on Bea’s laptop. My uneaten blueberry muffin was sitting in my lap. It was six in the morning, much too early for me.

I looked over towards where Bea and the boy were sitting. Great they were making out. That’s why she liked to be single, she didn’t have to worry about cheating and could make out with whoever she wanted, whenever she wanted.

She shot a glance at me fast and smiled, letting go of the smokin’ Italian boy and coming over to sit next to me.

“I couldn’t understand a thing he said anyway,” she said. I could barely hear from the loudness of my speakers, but I still heard her.

Rolling my eyes, I turned off my iPod and stuffed it into my carry-on bag. Inside was a pillow (with Bill on it of course), my iPod, my cell, some books, my laptop, toiletries, and a change of clothes. I always brought extra clothes, just in case my luggage got lost.

Since I was not a morning person I was looking pretty crappy. You know, hair I didn’t bother to straighten, no makeup on, wearing sweats. Bea on the other hand was a morning person, she always had energy 24/7. I need tons of coffee to be able to hold out all day. But I swear I would have natural caffeine once we got to Rome.

I wanted to take a nice long nap on the plane, at least I would try, I never flew first class before. Bea said the food was better. But I didn’t think airplane food was that bad, airport food was that really made me sick.

“Now boarding-Air Italia Flight 171,” the attendant at the counter called into the mic.

“That’s us,” Bea’s mom said.

Bea let out a squeal and pulled me from my chair. We have the lady our tickets and ran as fast as we could into the amazing luxury jet. First class was like heaven. Massage chairs were our seats! On the back of each chair was a huge TV for the person in back. 400+ channels baby, including free pay-per-view!

I sat next to Bea near the cockpit and once everyone was seated the pilot came over the loudspeaker. “We are preparing for take-off. The weather is good, no turbulence is expected for our nine hour flight to Rome. We will make one stop in two hours to pick up the rest of our passengers in Philly. Please buckle your seat belts and prepare for take off.”

“Gum?” Bea flicked a pack of Five Gum over to me. “Helps during take off when your ears pop.”

“Kay, thanks,” I took a piece and started chewing it. Ew, spearmint. But it was gum none the less. For some reason, chewing gum woke me up in the morning.

I relaxed into my seat and put on the headphones so I could hear the TV.

Bea poked me and I took off my headphones.


“I found some random German Channel. 137,” she said.

“Is Tokio Hotel on?” I asked.

She shook her head.

“Well the only German I know is from Tokio Hotel,” I pointed out.

“Psh, whatever, I’m still watching it,” Bea said, then ignoring me.

I put the headphones back on and changed it to Showtime! I loved that channel, one of my favorite shows, the Tudors, was on it. Apart from being obsessed with random German bands, I was also quite obsessed with this incredibly hot Irish actor named Jonathan Rhys Meyers. He played an incredibly sexy King Henry VIII.

There were tons of rich Italians and tourists that would not stfd! [shut the front door] I turned the volume up all the way to block out the noise.

Soon I was listening to XM on the radio. Coldplay was on, ‘Viva la Vida’ was playing.

I smiled, Bill liked Coldplay.

Some more slower songs came on and than God I fell asleep, I really needed the rest.

About and hour or two later Bea woke me up, our breakfast was coming.

“Eggs, bagels, muffins, anything you want,” Bea smiled.

“I feel bad for your mom. We should take some stuff back to her.”

“Nah she just texted me, said she was gonna take a nap,” she replied.

I rolled my eyes. Children and parents texting each other? Well, Bea and her mom were close. They were practically like sisters.

Soon a flight attendant came down our row, a huge tray of breakfast foods on the cart. I took a peach and some blueberries. Bea took nothing.

I glared at her.

“What? Have you seen my thighs lately?!” she cried.

“Oh mein gott Bea you are not fat!” I really hated it when anorexics didn’t eat, or said they were fat. If they were fat, then I must be a whale!

“Fine, give me your muffin.”

“It’s been sitting in my bag since five this morning.”

“Well it’s 8:30 now. It’s not like it goes bad in like four hours.” Bea started digging in my bag for it.

“Get me my laptop too,” I said.


While she was eating my muffin, I signed onto Myspace. ‘New Comments.’ *click*

From cam [i rock ur world] : ‘didja get sick on the plane yet?’

He was online, surprisingly. Must be over at a friend’s house-mom and dad had blocked Myspace one our computer like four years ago. One advantage for having a laptop.

Reply- tara [th=love] : ‘cam, i was seven when i did that!!!1!’

On our way to Disney World a long time ago I threw up on the plane. I had motion sickness problems back then though.

cam [i rock ur world] ‘you were eleven actually =P’

tara [th=love] ‘that’s what u think!’

cam [i rock ur world] ‘i’ll show u a pizza!’

tara [th=love] ‘well i’m gonna eat that and all that amazing authentic pizza in rome’

cam [i rock ur world] ‘well duh if its got bill on it!’

tara [th=love] ‘cameron!’

cam [i rock ur world] ‘you no i’m right. lol.’

tara [th=love] ‘yeah, u sorta r =P’

cam [i rock ur world] ‘*gasp*’

tara [th=love] ‘u bttr not touch anything in my room! i’ll be gone from home forever soon’

cam [i rock ur world] ‘yeah i went in and was all sad cuz u took ur bill pillow. i wanted to have bella eat it’

Bella was our dog.

tara [th=love] ‘well you know what, my dad is better than your dad!’ [[inside joke]]

cam [i rock ur world] ‘wtf?! we have the SAME dad dumb butt!!’

tara [th=love] ‘GOODBYE’

I exited Myspace and put on my headphones again.

I turned on MTV. Yay!! ANTM marathon! Ah I was a sucker for this show. Bea almost tried out for it that year. I’m certain she would have gotten in if she did try out. She was gorgeous.

“Hey Bea Janice is on,” I said to her.

“Ah!!” Janice Dickenson was terrible and a bitch but Bea adored her. Me, well my favorite was Miss Jay ;]

“I love this season!” she exclaimed.

Good, then she’d be quiet for a few hours, these marathons lasted all day.

“Please buckle your seatbelts, we will be picking up passengers in Philadelphia now,” the pilot said over the loud speaker.

They must all be coach, I thought. First class was full.

“We’re going to have to exchange our money for euros,” I reminded Bea as the plane landed. “So we can get stuff. Merch too.”

“My madre already has some euros, left over from when she went to France last winter.”

“But still, we’ll have the whole day from like four on to do stuff.”

“You thinkin’ what I’m thinkin’?” Bea smirked.
