I'll Jump for You Bill Kaulitz

This used to be our secret

That night, after taking a nice hot shower and hanging up all my news clothes and such in the amazing closets they had provided for us, I laid in my bed just thinking.

Tomorrow would be the greatest day of my life. The greatest one ever.

I took out my Bill pillow and started talking to it as if it were really him.

“You were amazing tonight,” I whispered, and smiled awkwardly.

He didn’t say anything back. Well, of course not, he was a pillow. But what if he didn’t talk to me at all? I had planned out for months what I should say to him, what he would say to me in a perfect world. Of course he would never call me hot, so scratch that out. And I would never actually hold a real conversation with the lead singer of Tokio Hotel would I? No, there was no way.

I mean maybe I could with like Georg or Gustav. In my mind no one cared about them though. They were just there to emphasize the Kaulitz brothers’ hotness. Tom and Bill were all the band needed, really. Who cares if there was no bassist or drummer?

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” I said to my Bill pillow and set my cell alarm for seven.

We would be leaving for the venue at two, and having backstage passes we’d be able to see them before the concert too, we could go in at six while the rest had to wait till seven.

Oh this was gonna be amazing. If only Bill would follow along with the conversation set in my head, only to be perfect in my dreams. But I didn’t think too heavily on it.

I turned on my iPod and though I had promised myself I wouldn’t listen, I listened to Schrei anyway. I loved Bill’s cute and inexperienced voice. He would be amazing tomorrow. I knew for sure.