

She rested her back against the brick wall, her eyes just staring at the small but full moon in the sky; there was always something about it that had a pull on her. She would occasionally see other humans staring at it, pointing at it and dancing under it. It hurt that she couldn't do those things, be apart of those things.

"I hope you're not thinking of running off again."

Rose looked over to see Tobin walking over to her; he was one of her closest friends. Someone that never judged her, some one who was always there for her.

"Hey, Tobin." Her voice was soft, she wanted to leave. She didn't belong, she wanted to fit in else where. She felt Tobin take a seat next to her, his eyes rested on the sky like hers. "It’s so majestic, the moon." She spoke causing Tobin to look at her.

A sigh left his lips and he moved his body to where he was facing her, she didn't move. But she waited for him to speak, tell her the same things. She was used to it by now, his bickering.

"Have you ever wondered why, they keep you so secluded?" Her eyes scanned over to him, this was a new topic. "Rose, there is a lot more then just humans out there." He looked over to the sky once more "There are things out there, they don't like our kind- we don't like them. They mix in with the humans easily, while it’s hard for us." His blue eyes were on her again.

"Go on" She spoke bitterly, waiting for him to continue.

Tobin was the head of security, he was special force as well. He kept an eye on her and would report if she ran off, it was his fault as to why she was caught. It was his fault as to why she was almost spotted, yet she couldn't be angry with him, she couldn't hate him- for doing his job. He was a lot older and wiser then her.

"You need to listen Rose, you're different. You haven't figured yourself out yet, and they don't want you to." His eyes were narrow as he stared at her.

"Why?" She now shifted to face him.

"Because you’re the most dangerous, lethal being in our community." His words were stern as her eyes widened.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I hope everyone enjoys this. I'm working really hard on it, so bare with me.