Status: I have NOT forgotten this story, I've merely run into lack of inspiration, but I'm working on it currently.

Just, Average

Part Two

Recap: You have learned about the main character and she just received that very special letter that we all wish we could get, the Hogwarts acceptance letter.
“Well… What now Panda?” I sit on my bed and cross my arms while pondering what I’m supposed to do. ‘How am I supposed to get these exact books and robes? I mean I know where some magical shops are but I’ve never really seen many school books there.’ I sigh loudly and turn to Pandora, “Perhaps we should go to bed and we’ll try and figure something out tomorrow yes?” Pandora mews and we lie down to go to sleep.

I awake the next day and play the odd bit of night that I experienced several hours ago. Perhaps someone will come get me? I seriously hope so; I would very much love to be taught something other than how to manipulate people. I get up, pack a bag or two, and throw them into the back of my closet. I’d rather not have to answer stupid questions from my parents. The day wears on and my parents attempt to teach me the ways of being a con artist. Sigh, no thank you.

It is around one in the morning when I hear a rapping on my window, another owl? I groan and slide out of bed. I move the curtain away from the blinds and then pull the blinds up to see a striped cat. I cock my head to the side, ‘well what is this now?’ I pull the window up and the cat slides into my room as if it owns the joint. ‘What the heck’? The animal then morphs into an older woman who doesn’t terrify me but makes me even more curious. She smiles sweetly and then begins to speak, “Rowyn dear, I am Minerva I sent you a letter.”

I nod, “You mean this?” I grab the letter from inside the drawer of my nightstand and hand it to her. She nods and lays it down on my bed. She then explains why I had been sent the letter and what I could be learning at the school. I immediately grow excited and smile brightly. My smile then fades quickly as I contemplate what my horrid parents would say once they find out.

She stares at me with a concerned expression, “What is it dear?”

“My parents Ms. McGonagall, they don’t care about my education, as a matter of fact I’m worth more here than away. So they think anyway, but I don’t believe they would let me leave.” I sigh and sit down at the foot of my bed.

“Well, the thing about that is, you’re seventeen, in the wizarding world that is old enough to make your own decisions, including leaving home.” She smiles. I nearly jump out of my skin with glee.

“Seriously?” I ask and she nods so I grab the bags I had packed as well as my cat Pandora and follow Ms. McGonagall out of my front door and to a secluded spot by my apartment. She tells me to close my eyes and take a deep breath. I had never, uh, apparated before. As we “land” I stumble and the wonderful lady steadies me.

We are now at some sort of bar or something, like a tavern. A man is closing up; he is using magic to clean the tables and such. Sweet, I smile. Minerva explains that I will be staying here until a train or something comes because that is the transportation I am to take to the school. She also explains that I, and a few others; have been taken from other parts of America to come to the school, Hogwarts, to perfect their magic skills. There has been a fair amount of children that have been taken out of school due to certain events.

She also explains the events that had happened and said that if I still want to go that they will help fund my studies and such. I agree, anywhere is better than where I used to be. I am shown my room and quickly fall asleep in my bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Now I want to make this clear, obviously not everything will follow the books. Maybe some parts will sound really idiotic but this is a fan fiction. This is a story that I wrote how I want, I do, however hope some people like it. Thanks =D Also so far these two chapters have been between 600 and 700 words, let me know if you think they need to be longer please!