Status: I have NOT forgotten this story, I've merely run into lack of inspiration, but I'm working on it currently.

Just, Average

Part Nine

Recap: Rowyn speaks to Draco and gets a taste of how rude he can be. She then goes back to the Weasley’s the next day and helps Mrs. Weasley with laundry while talking about Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Later though, the trio arrives and explains in greater detail of all their adventures so far at Hogwarts. She then goes back to the inn to sleep but speaks to Draco again and find out, yet again, that he has a very cynical side. One she does not like…

And so it continues…

I wake the next morning and take a quick shower. I dry off and stare at myself in the mirror. “Well here goes nothing… or everything.” I run gel through my damp hair then slap some make up on (foundation, eye shadow, eyeliner, etc…). I slip on a short sleeve shirt, jeans, my shoes, and my puffy jacket. I grab my suitcase and have Pandora follow me down the stairs to wait for the car I was told would pick me up. I step outside and take a seat on one of the benches close by, Pandora sits in my lap. A car pulls up after I sit waiting for 5 minutes. A man steps out and helps me put my suitcase into the trunk of the car. Pandora and I get into the back seat and I buckle up. Later we arrive at the train station, I grab my suitcase and watch as a person tells everyone to place their bags with everyone else’s outside of the train along with their animals. This made me a bit panicked. What is going to happen to my cat? I place a safety charm on her and kiss her head before I left her.

I walk onto the train and slowly down the corridors to find an empty compartment. I find one and settle in, I toss the “robes” I held up onto the shelf overhead. I sigh and take out my IPod, put the ear buds into my ears, and turn it on. I bob my head to the song “Robo kitty” by Downlink and smile; such a silly song. After practically sit dancing for four minutes “Build me up buttercup” by The Foundations comes on and I sing at the pitch of a whisper. Suddenly Draco opens the compartment door with one of his friends by his side. I think he’s trying to get my compartment but I can’t hear him because my music is too loud. Therefore, I sing part of the lyrics loudly:

“Why do you build me up (build me up) Buttercup, baby
Just to let me down (let me down) and mess me around
And then worst of all (worst of all) you never call, baby
When you say you will (say you will) but I love you still
I need you (I need you) more than anyone, darlin'
You know that I have from the start
So build me up (build me up) Buttercup, don't break my heart!”

… He shut the door in my face and moved on, but not before I caught a small smile spread across his lips. I calmly listen to more of my music and look out of the train window. Trees, trees, and more trees. Better than when I was in Texas, just mesquite, mesquite, and more mesquite, unless you went East. Time goes by and a couple of strangers enter my compartment and ask to sit down. I begrudgingly say yes and merely listen to my music the rest of the way to our destination. We arrive and I have to go with the first years and Hagrid on some boats toward a giant castle. Wow this is amazing! I glance around me and I am surrounded by all of these eleven year olds and take a deep breath. We finally come to the docks and exit our boats. The lot of us walk up the steps to two large doors and there waiting for us is Professor McGonagall. I smile at her and give a small wave. She smiles back then gathers the attention of the students and explains to them about sorting and the importance of the houses.

She then leads us to the Great Hall where everyone is already freaking there! “Wait, Professor, we have to be sorted in front of everyone??” I question in a panicked voice.

She nods, “Don’t worry Rowyn you’ll do fine, all of you will.” She looks to me then the first years.

“I’m going to have a friggin’ anxiety attack.” My breathing becomes slightly faster but I try to calm myself.

A first year touches my arm, “It’s alright, my brother says it’s not that bad.”

I smile nervously, “Thanks.” We all move to the front of the teachers table and spot a lone stool, which McGonagall stands to the side of. I take several deep breaths as she calls many different names of the children around me to the stool to put a “sorting hat” on them. The hat then calls out a house name and the kid goes to that table. I spot Harry, Hermione, Ginny, and Ron at the Gryffindor table. They smile and wave at me, hoping to cheer me up I guess. I smile back and nearly choke on air as my name is called. I sit on the stool, which is uncomfortable, and wait as the sorting hat talks to itself. ‘Perhaps I will be in a house that is right for me.’ I think to myself.

“Ah Rowyn, an American, loyal, brave, but very angry and cunning.” The sorting hat paused for a minute then shouted, “Slytherin!” I jump and stare at my friends as the hat is lifted off of my head. They seem disappointed and I make my way to the cheering Slytherin table. I muster a small smile and sit down in a random spot. The rest of the first years are sorted and then food appears in front of us. I eat my fill and follow the Slytherin first years to the common room door. The prefects explain the rules and blah blah, I haven’t been listening. All I can think about is that instead of being with friends I’ll be with strangers and have to make new friends until I can see the others. Crap, I didn’t hear the password or whatever.

I find a first year after the prefects say their spiel. “Hey uh.. what was the password?”

Thankfully, this Slytherin was sweet and told me, “Pureblood.”

I perk a brow, “Oh, thanks.” She nods and walks away up to the dorm rooms. I glance around the room and notice that we’re under water and I can see green shining through the windows. “That’s pretty sweet.” I say aloud to myself.

“Isn’t it though?” I hear a male voice say from behind me. I turn and look at a dark skinned boy. ‘Is he the one Draco was talking to that day?’ “Hello, I’m Blaize.” He holds out his hand for me to take. I place my hand in his and shake it lightly.

“Rowyn.” I catch a glimpse of Draco over his shoulder standing with three girls around him seeming to ogle him while he merely looks on, absent-mindedly nodding. I snort and, as if he heard me, Draco turns to stare at me. I avert my eyes nonchalantly.

“What?” Blaize asks then looks at Draco. “Oh, yeah that’s pretty much an everyday occurrence.”

“I see; that doesn’t surprise me. Though, you would think the thick air of arrogance around him would choke them all,” I say almost emotionless and Blaize chuckles.

“They go for that sort I suppose.”

I nod, “Well it was nice to meet you, but I must go up to bed, I’m super tired and I want to check on my cat.” He nods and smiles as I leave. I find my room and stare in awe at its grandeur. I find my Pandora on my bed and greet her with a thousand kisses. I dig through my suitcase and find some cat treats to give her as well. I take my nightclothes to the bathroom and change then make my way back to my bed. “I’m not sure if I even want to make different friends Pandora. What if they’re all absurd and rude?” She stares up at me as if to say, ‘Why not just try, what’s the worst that can happen?’ “Hmm, I suppose I can always make some small talk that way if they don’t answer the way I expect them to I can just walk away, no harm done.” I chuckle and untie the ties that hold my bed curtains open and fall asleep with Panda lying next to me on my pillow.

I wake to my roommates bustling around doing their hair and makeup as if they were going out for the night… Seriously? I look at my alarm clock, it says 6:30am, and I groan. I turn back over in my bed and fall back as sleep. My alarm clock then goes off at 7am and all of my roommates are gone, Thank the Lord! Pandora stretches and eats some food out of her bowl while I quickly yank on my green and black uniform as well as my black and white converses. I enter the bathroom, do my thing, and slap on some makeup. I spritz a bit of water in my hair to reactivate the gel, grab my messenger bag and head out of the common room toward the Great Hall for breakfast. I eat my fill then ask some of my classmates which classes they have so that I can follow them there. First is DADA taught by someone named Snape. We all enter and I spot a thin man with sallow skin, a large, hooked nose, and yellow, uneven teeth. He has shoulder-length, greasy black hair that frames his face, and cold, black eyes. We all have a seat at our tables and bring out our books to read up on nonverbal spells.

The rest of class goes by slowly and I learn what kind of teacher Professor Snape is. Cruel to everyone except us Slytherin, he is head of our house but still. He’s a teacher; shouldn’t a teacher simply wish to teach ALL students? The day flows by quite slowly and I talk to a small amount of people throughout the day. I think I can be friends with a girl named Rayne, but that Pansy heifer is on my shit list. Draco saunters passes me at one point on the way to lunch, I thought he might want to talk but that Pansy comes running up and nearly hit me. I growl for her to watch it and keep walking.
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Hey everyone my inspiration is back... For whatever reason. Also thank you to my third subscriber, whoever you are as well as the two people who recommended my story. Still wish I'd receive some comments, but hey beggars can't be choosers. Also the deciding factor on which house Rowyn would be in was haha. I made an account and all of that and it said Slytherin so there you go, in case you were wondering. Pottermore asks more detailed questions then that of other quizzes and it's free so if you haven't signed up but want to, well there you go! I'm not endorsing that site I just found it neat.