Reaching Destiny

Chapter 3

"So.. Are you guys all seniors too?" asked Lacey.

"Yuppers!" said Ryan. "We have to be in order to live in these buildings. That is, unless you go to college here. Everyone else has to live in the dorms."

"I see... Wait, there's a college here?" Lacey inquired.

"Yeah. All of those classes and buildings are a bit separated from the high school but it's pretty much the same campus," Ryan explained.

"This place is big but I never thought it was a high school and college," said Lacey.

"Well, not everyone gets accepted. Speaking of which, how did you get in here?" Blake asked with sudden interest. "Or even know about this place for that matter. We're pretty 'hush hush'."

Lacey noticed that even Aiden turned to hear her answer. "Well... Umm.. I... They just sent something in the mail saying that I was accepted here and that they'd pay my way for as long as necessary. I assume, now, that they mean through college. then my parents sent me off here. Robyn called me and was all excited knowing I'd be going to her school. I guess my parents or the administrators must have told her or something. I don't know."

"Yes, they meant through college. And so you mean to say that you didn't just find this place or hear about it or something so they'd have to let you go here?" asked a way too interested Aiden.

"Uh, no? That's stupid. Why would they accept me and pay my way just because I knew this place existed?" Lacey asked.

All was silent until Ryan decided to speak. "So how old are you?" he asked. "I'm 17," he stated proudly.

Lacey laughed a little. "I think I beat you. I'm 18."

"I win," Aiden interjected so bluntly that Lacey was confused as to what he was talking about. He must have noticed this because he chuckled and added, "I'm 19."

The dumb look on Lacey's face transformed into understanding. "Oh," she simply stated, "I thought you were still watching TV and not paying attention anymore."

"I highly doubt he was even watching it in the first place," said Blake. "I'm 18 also, by the way."

Aiden sent Blake a glare that went undetected by Lacey.

"I'm 17," Robyn said.

"I already knew that," stated Lacey.

"I know. I just felt left out," Robyn told her as she shrugged her shoulders.

Lacey laughed and gave her friend a hug. Blake joined in and Robyn gladly shoved off the hug stealer. Blake fell off of the couch and Aiden snickered.

"Okay, that conversation took a total of 10 minutes. What do we do now? I'm hungry and food doesn't get here for another 50 minutes," pouted Ryan.

"And whose fault is that?" asked Robyn.

"Uh.. the pizza delivery guy's. Duh!" reasoned Ryan.

"Stop complaining. It was your fault and you know it," Robyn said getting annoyed. Lacey loved the girl to death but she had some serious anger issues sometimes.

"Anyways," interrupted Lacey. She already had a headache from the car ride out to the middle of nowhere and she didn't need two people arguing.

"Yes?" asked Blake as he raised his eyebrow and cocked his head in the cutest way. He really was quite charming.

"Umm," was all Lacey knew how to say. All she intended to do was stop an argument. She didn't actually need to say anything else. "Do you mind if I take a shower? I feel a little gross from being in that plane for so long," she came up with.

"Of course we don't mind, love. Let's go," Blake said standing up and motioning for Lacey to follow.

"No, no, no!" Robyn yelled. "I'll take you." With that she took Lacey upstairs into her bathroom as it had shampoo and girl scented bath things.

"Smooth," Lacey heard Aiden say to Blake before they both started laughing like teenage boys do.

"Here we are,"stated Robyn when they arrived at her bathroom. "This is my bathroom A/K/A the good one. You'll be sharing it with me. Feel free to use my stuff. Just take a nice, long, relaxing bath. Take you time and come down to the living room when you're done."

Lacey thanked her and Robyn went back downstairs to the guys who were waiting not-so-patiently for an explanation.

"What the hell?!?!" Aiden shouted as Robyn calmly and gracefully strode down the stairs.

"Calm down and lower you voice before she hears you," Robyn said as she approached them.

"Well why is a human here?" asked Blake.

Robyn sighed and answered. "I don't know. Our headmaster said she wasn't normal. There's something about her but he doesn't know what. His psychic secretary had a vision that was all about Lacey kicking supernatural evil ass with us so naturally he assumed she belonged here. He tracked her down. We have to make sure she's safe because she's pretty vulnerable being here. But then
again she has to be here because both good and evil want her."

"Why does everyone want her?" asked Ryan. "Is she really that powerful?"

"Again, we don't know. Even if she isn't particularly powerful, it's dangerous to have her out with society. She could accidentally use a power and expose us. And you know evil wants any power it can get," said Robyn.

"She can't live here. She's a human!" exclaimed Aiden.

"She isn't just a human. I can sense something more," said Blake.

"Yeah, I can feel it," added Ryan.

"Don't you think I can smell it? That's the problem. She isn't just a human. She's more and that makes her even more appealing," Aiden argued.

"That, and the fact that she's hot right?" added Blake.

"Whatever... I can be around her, no problem. But live with her? It's way too tempting. Especially when she's asleep," Aiden continued.

"That's why she has to take that new room we added that you can only get into by going through another room. That way the only way for you to get her will be through someone else," said Robyn. "Problem solved."

"Well who's going to take that room? You can't because you're almost as big a threat as me," challenged Aiden.

"Since I'm not a filthy bloodsucker like the two of you, I volunteer," said Blake with a smirk.

"No way you sex craved freak. I'm obviously the one that has to take that room," Ryan stated.

"Ryan is right. He has to take it. He's the smallest threat to her out of all of us," said Robyn.

"Honestly people. He isn't an angel. At least not anymore. You know very well why he fell from grace, Robyn, so we're the same amount of a threat," Blake said defending himself.

"Let's see," Robyn said pretending to think about it. "A perverted demon or a fallen angel... I pick fallen angel. She's safer with him and I want her to be safe. She's my best friend."

"Of course you'll pick him. What do you think, Aiden?" asked Blake.

"I don't care as long as it isn't me. I'm not getting kicked out for sucking some stupid human dry. Actually I take that back. I don't want Robyn to either because she could frame me for killing her if she slips," Aiden said with clear annoyance evident in his voice.

"Come on guys, we have to stop fighting. We're a team. We can't let her come between us or all Hell is gonna break loose. Literally," reasoned Ryan.

"You know what? Fine. I don't need to sleep in a room connected to hers in order to get her anyways," Blake said regaining his cool.

Robyn was about to bitch slap Blake for even thinking that but Aiden stopped her.

"Shh. She just got out of the bathroom. We have to change the subject. Wait, are we going to tell her about us? The school filled with only supernatural beings??" whispered Aiden. "With her as the one exception of course."

"Yeah but not right now," Robyn whispered back. "She's going to find out eventually but we should wait a little."

"What are you guys whispering about?" asked Lacey when she got to the bottom of the stairs.

"Nothing important," Aiden mumbled as he went to pick a video game to play. He got one, put it in, and asked who wanted to join. The boys played while Robyn got up to get Lacey's schedule for her from the kitchen counter. When Lacey looked at it, she was confused.

"This can't be right. It says I only have two classes a week," said Lacey.

"Oh that's normal. Seniors only have up to three classes a week on average. Most of us have to work and pay for college unlike you Miss Scholarship. Class isn't for a few days anyway so let's not worry about it." Robyn said.

Lacey was obviously pleased. "Sweet," she said.

Later when the pizzas came, Lacey was astonished at how fast the boys devoured them. They were all hungry but sheesh, it was crazy. After everyone was finished, Lacey was shown to her room by Robyn. She saw the rest of the house on the way and asked why her room was connected to another room the way it was. Robyn just ignored her, helped her unpack, and wished her a good night. Lacey quickly fell asleep in her big, comfy bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Too confused? If so, write me so I can edit the crap outta this mess.