How Could I Make This More Poetic?

Chapter 2

The last class of the first day of school finally ended.

“Let’s see what’s behind door number one,” Cassie laughed as she opened her locker and a piece of blue paper fell to the floor.

“Dude, I want to do that,” Dylan shouted. Why was he my best friend again? “And door number two holds a yellow slip of paper!” he cheered happily. “This is going to be fun,” he laughed as Tyler picked up his pink note.

“Yeah right. Who cares about what we all have to say? I’ve seen almost everyone in that class's writings. They aren’t very good at it,” I commented as I opened my locker and a half sheet of paper fell to the floor, just like my three friends.

“And it’s pink!” Tyler shouted with annoyance. He hated pink. “I hate pink.” My words exactly. “Why pink!?”

“Calm down boy. Otherwise we are getting the shock collar out,” Cassie threatened.

“No thank you. That thing hurt,” Ty answered quickly. For all of you that didn’t get that…Cassie wanted to test the shock collar that her mom bought for her dog out because she didn’t think it was “humane”. The test subject just happened to be Tyler’s back as he was sleeping at one of our many Candy & Crash nights. Those are nights were we sit around one of our house, fill up on junk food, watch movies and TV, play video games, and then crash. Let’s just say that now that dear old collar is only used as a threat on poor Ty; Cassie yelled at her mom for wanting to put it on the dog.

I looked at my paper and realized that the person that got my name wrote me a poem:

Even though this may sound sappy,
You're the one who makes me happy.
You're the one that stops the tears,
From the words you whisper in my ears.

I've gone so long not believing.
I've never seen a purpose for dreaming.
I saw them as fake,
and an even bigger mistake.

Today I stand here corrected,
And from you, I am not rejected.
You welcomed me with open arms,
By working with your greatest charms.

Now all I see is love and hope.
No longer do I have to cope.
These feelings you gave to me,
Make me strong, make me free.

Wow, that was extremely mushy, and weird. Under the poem I realized that the person hand wrote something. Most likely after Mrs. Thomas checked it.

Hey Ayd, I wanted to say that this poem was written for you. Not everything I write will be as directly related to you, but this one is. I hope you like.
Until the next letter…
P.S. I love your name. It’s amazing.

Wow. Yeah I have to find another word to show that I’m shocked. The poem, was written, for me?

“Mine was so weird. It was a story about how a girl jumped in front of a bus. It was written OK, but the idea of it makes you want to shiver,” Cassie’s voice brought me back to reality.

“Aydie, what does yours say?” Dylan asked.

“Um, I…,” I started but was stopped by the Creative Writing teacher walking into the halls.

“This project was supposed to be kept a secret. That means don’t talk about what was written in your letters with anyone else. OK?” Mrs. Thomas said in a kind voice. I wanted too much to tell her ‘thank you’ because there was no way I wanted to tell my friends what that letter said. But with that comment, the teacher left us in the hall without another word.

“Hey, Summers!” Jeff’s voice filled my ears.

“What do you want Belfield!?” Cassie snapped at him.

“I wasn’t talking to you. I wanted to talk to little Aydie here.” He walked up to me and placed an arm around my shoulders.

“Don’t call me Aydie,” I mumbled.

“What was that?” he smirked at me. Why couldn’t I have the courage to just yell at him? No matter how much I wanted it, I knew that he wasn’t the same Jeff that I was friends with so many years ago.

“Just get off of her. Come on Ayden, let’s go.” Tyler grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the doors that led outside. After we got there Tyler blew up. “Ayden! Will you just fight back! Fight back once! Please. Don’t just keep taking that from him!”

“Ty, leave her alone,” Cassie yelled at him. He just ignored her and kept going.

“Answer me! Why won’t you tell him to leave you alone!?” By this time tears were rolling down my face. He had never talked to me that way. He always told me to stick up for myself, but this time he’s actually yelling at me.

“Because I'm still hoping the old Jeff will come back!” I shouted with all I could handle. “There, I said it. Are you happy? I'm still thinking that one day he will change his mind and realize that he was once upon a time my friend, our friend, and he will change. Is that so hard to understand!?” more tears were running down my face.

“Aydie,” Dylan said softly and gave me a comforting hug. “I wish he would go back too, but that’s not something that we can change. He is who he is now, not the kid we knew. Come on, Bubba is holding a large chocolate cookie dough ice cream cone with your name on it.” I nodded and tried to stop my tears as best as I could.

My face was dry again by the time we walked into the ice cream place; Bubba’s Ice Cream Parlor. Original name, right?

“I was wondering when I would see you kids,” Mr. Bud said from behind the counter. He was an old man, but he had the memory like an elephant; he was able to read our order to us before we could even say ‘hi’. We paid, thanked him and started walking home.

“Feel better now?” Dylan asked. I nodded. Yeah, there was a reason that he was my best friend. He was just so caring and chaotic at the same time.

“Your parents coming home tonight?” Tyler asked. I just laughed. They were never home. They were lawyers or doctors or something, I was never sure and never cared, they traveled a lot as part of their work, so they were never home. It was always just me at home unless I was invited over someone’s house.

“Do you think that they would ever be home the first day of school?” I raised my eye brow at him.

“Guess not,” Tyler sighed.

“You want to stay at my place tonight?” Dylan asked. “Pleasey, pleasey, please,” he begged. I was sort of afraid that he would be down on his knees if I didn’t say yes right away so I agreed. “Yee!” he shouted with excitement.

“Well you two have fun. I actually have homework tonight,” Cassie sighed.

“You got Beck for math again?” Tyler asked. Cassie nodded. “Same. 30 math problems on the first day of school. He must have lost a few brain cells when his hair fell out.”

“It’s OK Ty, they will go quick,” I patted his back.

“Yeah let’s hope so. Hey, Ayd?” he started.

“Hmm?” I answered.

“I’m sorry about earlier.”

“It’s OK. I can’t hate you. Remember that.” I waved goodbye to him and Cassie as Dylan rushed me into the house.
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The poem that was used in this chapter was written by me. It's not really that good, but it works. There are going to be other poems thrown into this story and some will be better and some worse, so yeah...
