How Could I Make This More Poetic?

Chapter 7

I walked into school with my friends. We somehow got onto the topic of Dylan playing with Barbies when he was a kid.

“No I didn’t!” Dylan kept repeating. “I swear!”

“Dyl you’re joking. I’ve known you forever. Mom had to force them away from you,” I laughed. ‘Mom’ meaning Lin, his dad’s girlfriend.

“No, I didn’t. Just leave me alone.”

“I would believe it!” Tyler added in his two cents.

“Dyl, if you loved them so much, why didn’t you tell me? You knew that my uncle was giving them away in that huge yard sale he had a few weeks back,” Cassie laughed. “I would have gladly donated them to you.”

“And I’m sure Kelly could use a buddy,” Tyler laughed.

“But we love you anyways Dylan.”I gave him a half hug.

“See, Aydie loves me. Why can’t you two?” he pouted at Tyler and Cassie.

“Because we have a life,” Cassie laughed.

“Fine, whatever.” Dylan rolled his eyes and focused on try to get his locker opened. I just shook my head them.

As I reached to the top of my locker to pull out my math book I noticed a blue envelope was caught in the hoodie that I had hanging on a hook. What? I opened it up and saw that it was another note from “Creative Writing Dude.”

“If only they knew how I felt.
If only they could see the real me.
If only they could tell the difference between what's real and what's fantasy.

They can't see the me,
The me deep inside.
They don't know my feelings,
My dreams, my wishes.

All they see,
Is what is good,
What is kind,
And what is my mask.

To take off the mask
Is like showing them my heart
It’s like speaking to the world, what I have suppressed for so long.

What's kept inside,
Not to be let out.
What's been locked up,
With the key thrown away.
What's been tied, and beaten, and restrained.

If only they could see beyond this mask,
Beyond this facade,
They would see something they would never of expected.

~♥~ Don’t you wish that times that you wouldn’t have to be someone that aren’t just to fit in? Wouldn’t it be nice if the one person that you truly love would be able to see that what you are doing is not something that you actually want to do? Yeah, that’s me right now. I hoping that I can get this one person to understand that I’m not who she thinks I am, and I destroyed all hopes of that happening in the process. ~♥~

*Creative Writing Dude*

“Whatcha’ got there, Ayd?” Tyler asked as he stole the paper.

“Hey! Give it back!” I shouted as I tried to just for it.

“Geesh, what is this? It’s weird.” Tyler crinkled up his nose as he read the paper.

“Who’s Creative Writing Dude? The person that choose you for the assignment?” I nodded. “Why are they giving you more stuff? Don’t they know that they only have to do it once a week?”

“Now you expect someone not to write to me? You make it seem like no one would want to.” I glared at him and was able to snatch the paper back.

“No, no, Ayd, I didn’t mean that,” Tyler tried to defend himself.

“Save it, Ty. It doesn’t matter anyways,” I sighed and stuffed the paper back into the envelope and the envelope into my back pocket. “I’ll see you guys in class.” I walked away, just leaving them there. For some reason, what Tyler said hurt. It was like he wasn’t just making fun of me being the person no one talks too, but also the person writing me those poems. What is in those letters are always so nice that it surprises me.

I wasn’t paying attention to where I was walking and I ran into someone, again, for the second day in a row.

“You getting used to bumping into me?” Jeff laughed.

“Sorry,” I mumbled, looking down at my shoes. “Um-about yesterday,” I started.

“What? There’s nothing to say. You’re a hypocrite, we’re all done,” he chuckled.

“No, it’s not just that,” I started again. The letter this morning got me thinking that I shouldn’t have gotten mad at him. Something told me to say sorry, and I don’t know why.

“Then what?” he asked softly. Did his voice just change?

“Um, I wanted to apologize for going off on you. I shouldn’t have.” I didn’t look up at him the whole time. I found my shoes to be the most interesting thing around.

“Jeffy!” A high pitched voice pierced the five second silence between me and Jeff. The voice belong to Tammy, one of the main girl’s who tries to make my life miserable. “Jeff, I wanted to ask you about-. What is she doing here?” she sneered at my presence.

“I’ll just go,” I said softly and walked off.

“Wait, Ayden!” Jeff called after me. I slowly turned around. “Yeah, same from me.” He gave a small smirk that died when Tammy moved her mouth.

“I thought you were leaving?” I rolled my eyes and walked to class.

Did Jeff just apologize? Was he starting to be nice to me? This was weird. Why were things changing? Tyler keeps getting an attitude with me and Jeff is becoming nicer. There was just so much to handle, and the school year is only three days in.

I walked as slow as I could to my first class, without being late. I was just about to go into the door when I was stopped.

“Ayden?” It was Jeff.

“Yeah? What do you want?” I asked.

“Um, you want to work on the project tonight? My mom found out that you were my partner and wanted me to invite you over our place for it sometime.”

“Why? I mean why would she want me to come over? I haven’t seen her in what, 3 years? She still remembers me? And since when would you agree to something like this? I thought you hated me?” He looked taken back with what I said for some reason.

“I don’t really know why, but will you come? I want to get this project over with.”

“Fine, I’ll see you after school.” I walked into the classroom leaving him to stand there.

His mom missed me?
♠ ♠ ♠
The poem that is in this chapter was written by me. Oo big shock considering they all are so far. But it is my favorite that I have ever written for some reason. I'm not sure why.

If you're ever curious, I do use some of the poems that I already put up on this site as part of the story, but you can check them out if you want...

Thanks for reading.