No Smoking

Chapter Three

The next morning, Robbie could see James suspiciously eyeing the parcel on his desk. "What's this?" he asked Robbie, giving the parcel a poke.

"Something to distract you from your cigarette cravings," Robbie answered. "Thought they might help."

Frowning slightly, James tore the package open and stared down at the bag in his hands. "...Lollipops. You bought me lollipops."

"Sugar-free ones. Less damage to your teeth and to your desk than that pen of yours."

Smiling, James sat down and opened the bag, unwrapping one of the lollies. "This is very thoughtful of you, sir."

"You can buy me a pint later to make up for it," Robbie said with a smile.

"You say that as if I don't usually buy the pints." James chucked one of the lollies over to Robbie. "You realise I'll probably end up finishing most of these by tonight?"

"That's alright," Robbie said. "I don't mind getting you more - at least 'til the cravings are gone."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, of course. Glad I can help."

Grinning, James switched his computer on, and Robbie turned back to the report from the last case.

The rest of the day flew by in a rush of paperwork and productivity. James still fidgeted more than usual, but the lollies seemed to give him something to focus on. The bag gradually emptied as the hours went by, and Robbie made a note to stock up for the next week or so.

Everything seemed to be going well, until James absent-mindedly reached for his pen.

Tap tap tap.

Tap tap tap.

Robbie sighed, rubbing a hand over his eyes. It was going to be a long couple of weeks.