Status: Done.

Robot meets Girl

Daddies little devil

Madison sat on her bed. Her mind had been on Nate ever since the kiss and her face was becoming pink.

“Get me a beer!” her dad yelled, his voice already slurred.

Madison got off of her bed and went into the small kitchen to get a beer from the fridge. She came into the living room to see her dad watching Jeopardy. Madison handed him the beer and headed into her room again.

“And a cigarette!” Madison hated her father with all of her being. She got his pack from the bathroom and gave it to him. “Hey! Don’t walk away you little slut!” Her dad rose from the chair, placing the pack and the bottle of beer on the coffee table. He stepped closer and she felt his hand hit her face with more force than usual.

Madison fell to the floor, where she normally ended up. She didn’t let out a cry anymore, because the abuse hurt less every time. Madison’s fake black circles were becoming real with each slam against her face. Maddie closed her eyes and hoped that this was all a nightmare, but even though she tried every time to make herself believe that it wasn’t real, the abuse hurt more afterwards.

There was a knock on the door and her dad stopped for a second. “Who is it?” Her dad’s voice was husky and slurred.

“Curtis. Maddie forgot her book bag.” Curtis was the only one who knew about the abuse which is why his voice sounded like a mumble. “Is Maddie here?”

Madison’s dad glared down at her, nodding toward the door, telling her to speak.

“Go away, Curtis.” Madison’s mouth was full of blood and teeth. “Please.”

“I’ll just leave it at the door, sweetie.” Maddie’s dad didn’t know ‘sweetie’ was code for ‘I’ll stick around until it gets too bad’ and she was happy about that.

Her dad struck her one more time before going into his bedroom. His bedroom door slammed shut and Curtis ran into the house.

Madison lay in a sea of her own blood and forced her eyes open. “Hey sexy.” Maddie reached up to brush his face, but her heart stopped beating.

“Maddie?” Curtis brought his head down to her chest and listened for a heartbeat. Nothing made a sound. He got out his cell and dialed 911.
♠ ♠ ♠
hahaha!!! cliffhangery!!!!! thanks for reading and comments are welcome!!!