Status: Done.

Robot meets Girl


Madison lay on the grass, staring up at the mashed clouds. She didn’t need a weather person to tell her it was going to snow, which is why she had been skipping classes, so that she could get the first taste of snow.

A small speck of frozen rain fell to onto the grass and melted. Madison was satisfied and stood up to go inside of the school. She saw Curtis and Julian sitting together, talking softly to one another and decided to leave them alone for a while.

Nothing on the menu looked appetizing, but it never did. She glanced over to the corner to see Nate sitting alone. Their eyes met for a second and she looked away. Madison didn’t want to deal with the robot deal right now. Probably not ever. They were juniors so they’d probably see each other at graduation.

Madison looked over at him again and her heart bolted up to her throat. Would this feeling ever go away?


“Nate is becoming more human than we intended. He isn’t cooperating because of the girl.” The woman’s voice was a bit high than a whisper. “The girl knows about him.” Her deep blue eyes and she grinned at the scientists. “It’s time to make Nate extinct.”

The scientists looked nervously at each other, knowing they had no choice.

“Why?” a brave scientist asked. “The girl won’t do anything or he wouldn’t have told her. Nate is a teenager, master, and he will cooperate when he chooses. Nate has done a fine job and now we need to see if the aging process works on him. We are far from done, master, and killing him now would be incredibility stupid, considering that we made him so he could last longer than four months. What is the point of destroying him because he’s in love? Our project is working to an astronomical level. Nate is more human than we expected and I see no reason to kill him.” The woman stood there, an eyebrow raised and stood still.

The master let out a sigh. “If he tells anyone else or she tells someone, he will die.” The woman glared at the scientist. “You make sure she doesn’t say anything.”

“Yes, master.” The woman, who was known for rebelling wouldn’t just warn her, but help her and Nate, even if it meant death.
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i know i have some spelling errors and stuff, but you'll survive. i've had other people read my drafts, on paper, and they say that there are some twists that they didn't expect, so look forward to that. thanks for reading and comments are welcome!