Status: Done.

Robot meets Girl

Boyfriends and love

Curtis sat watching a movie at his house with Julian. He glanced over at Julian who sat silently. Curtis knew Maddie was out with Adam and he knew that this was her way of getting over Nate.

Julian looked stunning in the dim light and Curtis bit down on his tongue so that he wouldn’t make any moves on Julian. “Are you bored, Curtis?”

Curtis nodded as Julian turned off the movie. “Yeah.”

“What do you wanna do?” Julian stood up and stretched.

Curtis bit his bottom lip and closed his eyes. “I-I don’t know...”

“Are you alright?” Julian stepped closer and Curtis’s lip began to bleed. “Oh.”

Curtis ran into the bathroom, embarrassed as he pressed toilet paper to his lip.

“Curtis, c’mon, you don’t need to be embarrassed.” Julian stood on the other side of the door. “I’m new to this, so don’t be scared.”

“You’re new to this, Julian, but I’m not.” Curtis couldn’t help with this feeling that shook him and he was feeling lightheaded.

“Will you just open the door so that we can talk?” Julian placed his hand on the doorknob and heard Curtis walk over to open it.

They stood there staring at each other and Julian smirked at the toilet paper that was stuck on Curtis’s lips. Julian reached over and softly took it off. Curtis blushed a deep scarlet as he met Julian’s eyes.

“Can I just try something? I mean...I’ve never...” Julian brushed Curtis’s rainbow hair out of his eye as he leaned into him and pecked his lips.


Madison sat across from Adam, who just seemed to be glancing at her. She hadn’t said a word since they met at the restaurant and he hadn’t bothered to mutter a word either. Maddie sipped her water, staring at the table.

“I’m sorry I came on too strong back at bookstore. I’ve never felt this way before.” Adam reached for her hand, but she placed it on her leg. “I’m sorry I was such a fool last year, Madison. I’ll keep apologizing, but don’t you believe in second chances?”

Madison gave him a confused look and placed the glass of water on the table. “You think you deserve a second chance because you’ve ‘never felt this way before’? C’mon I wasn’t born yesterday. You can’t get into my pants, Adam, and you may think that you understand me, but you don’t. You base me on a stereotype, not the real me. So, tell me, why should I give you a second chance?”

“Because it would piss Alison off,” Adam said, a smile growing on his face.

“So, you don’t like me? You like her?” Madison let out a sigh of relief and stood up. “Fine, I’ll go to prom with you, just to piss her off.”

Adam got up as well and pressed his lips against hers, holding her against him as he deepened the kiss. He pulled away and grinned. “No, I like you; I just enjoy watching her react.”

Madison, dazed and woozy, walked out of the restaurant. She stood against the wall a few feet from the window and closed her eyes.

“Girl.” A sweet voice met her ears and Madison opened her eyes to see a beautiful woman standing in front of her. This woman had dark brown hair, powder blue eyes, a magnificent figure with curves and abs, and she was a few feet taller than Madison. “You and Nate need to flee. The other scientists are going to turn him off—forever—if you don’t do anything.” The woman squeezed her shoulder. “I know you love him.” She walked away, leaving Madison with the same feeling Adam gave her.

“Mom?” Madison whispered, finally having answers to question’s she’s had since she was a child. Her mother had become a robot?
♠ ♠ ♠
shocking? there is more to come. sorry i havent updated, though. i just finished my emo story and i have new ideas for stories everyday. anyways, thanks for reading and comments are always welcome and loved!