Status: Done.

Robot meets Girl


Nate came to second period to see the girl from earlier sleeping in the back of the room. She looked peaceful with her mature features and relaxed body.

“You must be new or I’d know you,” the most annoying voice said.

Nate glanced away from the girl to see another. She wore black like the other, but she had a different fashion sense; instead of a skirt she more black pants that went to her shins and were met by long leather boots that seemed painful; she wore a tank top that dropped a little low on her chest; and her hair was hideous with the natural dirty blond-almost-brown hair being covered up by a black that didn’t fit well with anything.

“Yeah.” Nate wasn’t fascinated by this girl.

“I’m Alison,” Alison said, glancing back at the mystery girl. “The one you were looking at is Madison; she’s a bitch.”

“A female dog?” Nate asked, realizing there was an edge to his voice. “Then are you a bitch as well?”

Alison held herself back from exploding and smirked. “Why don’t you sit with me at lunch and we’ll talk about stuff.” She leaned down and pecked his cheek.

There was a choking sound from behind Nate and he glanced to see Madison fake vomiting. “Dude, she’s contagious, I’d wash your cheek thoroughly after class.”

Alison glared at her, whispering words under her breath and taking her seat next to her groupies.

The teacher came in and Nate suddenly felt nervous. The teacher was one of his scientists and he couldn’t help but feel betrayed. They had told his blankly that they would let him be and not disturb him while he worked for them. What liars.

“Why hello class!” the woman said, glancing at Nate. “Your teacher called in sick so I’m substituting.”

“Go figure,” Madison said, her voice weak from attempting to sleep.

“Anyways, you are to finish a Skill Sheet by the end of the period. If you finish early, then do an extra credit sheet.” The woman, Maria Winston, one of the scientists that made him, took a seat and opened a binder full of papers.

Madison and the other students got up to get the papers. Nate just sat there, feeling his stomach churn painfully, even though he didn’t have a stomach, he had bolts and gears. A paper appeared on his desk when Madison passed and he took a deep breath. His mind registered the questions with little effort and the sheet was done in matter of moments.

When he was finished, he put the sheet next to the extra credit and looked back at Madison. He couldn’t help but smile. She had used the paper to write: SLEEPING, WAKE ME AND DIE.

Class finished shortly after he finished the extra credit sheet. He didn’t know if he should wake her or not, but decided to risk death. “Madison.”

Madison stirred, opening her eyes. She sat up and stretched. “Hey new guy.”

Nate smiled. “Hi.”

Madison got her Nightmare Before Christmas book bag and stood across from Nate. “I’ll walk you to your next class.”
♠ ♠ ♠
i just finished this last night, so dont expect a new one today.