Status: Done.

Robot meets Girl

Is she okay?

Nate sat on the bed, staring at Madison’s side. He knew she should be home now and if she was, then he wanted to make sure she was okay. Nate picked up the phone and dialed Curtis’s cell, knowing she had turned hers off.

After a few rings, Curtis answered. “Madison?”

“No, this is Nate, did Maddie get home safe?” Nate bit his finger and glued his eyes to the floor.

“No. When was she supposed to be back? Where were you two?” Curtis seemed for relaxed knowing Madison was on her way and Nate was freaking out because she should’ve been back three hours ago.

“Three hours ago.” Nate stood up, feeling lightheaded. “Something happened to her.”

“What do you mean?” Curtis was now on the brink of freaking out with Nate.

“It’s too complicated, Curtis, but I’ll try. I’m a robot and I don’t mean in a way like the girls at school, I mean metal bones, artificial skin, but I have a human brain and a heart like you.” Nate was hoping he wouldn’t hang up or scream.

“You need to stop smoking,” Curtis said, being careless.

“Curtis, I am. I know you probably think I do drugs and all of that, but I don’t. Didn’t you realize that Madison didn’t talk to me for a month? That she’s been afraid to get close to me? Or have you been too wrapped up in Julian to notice her?” Nate had to go back; he knew that, he had to get Madison. “Madison is in trouble because of me, Curtis. She could be killed or turned into a robot unwillingly and you wouldn’t have Madison anymore; you’d have an emotionless girl in the body of her.”

Curtis was thinking logically now, thinking to when she didn’t talk about Nate for a while and even if he tried bringing up the subject she was shut it down. Was this guy really a robot? Could that be possible? If Madison wasn’t with him, then where was she? Who was she with?

“Just believe me, Curtis,” Nate was pleading now. “I know you think I’m joking, but I’m not. I need your help, but I totally understand if you don’t want to get mixed up in this, either.”

Curtis let out a groan. “When will you be here?”

Nate calculated the time if he used the strength and speed they have given him. “Twenty minutes. Don’t leave and don’t get Julian mixed up in this.”


“Let go of me you bitch!” Madison was being dragged by some robot girl. Madison was still fighting her even though the other girl had drugged her and numbed Maddie from the neck down. “Nate isn’t going to come! He’s not that stupid!”

“Shut up!” Other robots picked her up and placed her on a metal table.

“Wait!” Madison didn’t really have to think about what she was going to sacrifice because she knew no matter what she was going to make sure Nate could live an almost-normal life. “If I let you work on me, willingly, will you leave Nate alone? Curtis as well?”

“Don’t you dare touch my daughter you fucking bastards!” Andrea screamed as they chained her arms and legs against the wall to make her watch her daughter become a robot. “If you lay one hand on her I’m going to each and every one of you.”

“Mom!” Madison hadn’t been this happy for a while, even though she should be sad, even. “I love you, mom!”

“Maddie, sweetie, I’ve missed you!” Andrea yelled, her voice was hoarse.

“Turn her off,” a young voice said. “Forever.”

“Over my dead body!” Madison screamed, trying to move her body unsuccessfully.

“We can arrange that, my dear.” One of the robots got a scalpel.
♠ ♠ ♠
hhheeeeheheheheh, thanks for reading and comments are loved and welcomed!!!