Status: Done.

Robot meets Girl

The first cut

Nate came to Curtis’s house to see him standing there with a rainbow painted shotgun. “Hey.”

“Hi.” Curtis stood up, holding the gun along his side. “So, where are these assholes?”

“Take my hand, if I run, we can get there faster.” Nate offered his hand and Curtis took it, without flirting. Nate got in a running stance and took off, not feeling the wind thrashing against their bodies. He couldn’t about anything except the last time he saw Madison full of life.

They stopped in front of a double wide house. The house seemed normal, with its three windows in the front, the hazel color of the house, and the not-so-welcoming door.

“Who paints their house a poop color? Are they insane?” Curtis tried to bring humor out in a not-so-humorous situation.

“The lab is in the built-in basement.” Nate walked around the back of the house and found the window he had escaped out of. “Give me your gun.” Curtis handed him the rainbow gun and Nate shattered the window with it. “Go through the door, they never lock it.” Nate’s body went through the open window easily and landed on his feet like a cat, the gun still in his hand.

All of the scientists were in the room, even the master, who was beaming as some robots worked on Madison. Nate shot at the wall, almost shooting a robot. The robots got distracted and he met Andrea’s eyes.

“Stop working on her,” Nate commanded. “I’m not afraid to shoot any of you. I can’t feel guilt, remember? And no one will miss you, either.” A few scientists moved away and Nate walked over to Madison. She wasn’t breathing or moving. He was too late. “Who started the surgery?” Nate wasn’t going to show any emotion around these morons. “Tell me!”

“Shhhh, Nate.” Jennifer walked over to Nate and he pointed the gun at her heart. “She let us work her willingly, even ask Andrea.”

Nate glanced over at Andrea, who nodded. “Why would she do that? She wouldn’t do that!”

Andrea cleared her throat. “Maddie let them work on her and made them promise to leave you and Curtis alone. We promised and we have no use for you anymore, Nate.”

Nate held the gun tightly in his hand and walked over to Madison. He brushed her hair and let a few tears fall down his cheeks. Madison had loved him enough to give up her humanity? Enough to live here and do what they demand? She gave everything important for him? “Madison, please wake up. I’m here to take up home.”

Madison lay motionless. This wasn’t the Madison he knew and fell in love with.

“Madison, please answer me. I shouldn’t have told you to go. I should have told you to stay. I’m so sorry. Please forgive me!” Nate was sobbing when Curtis came into the basement, two steak knives in his hands.

“Dude, they made you cry?” Curtis walked over to Madison and dropped the knives. “MADISON!”

She didn’t move.

“Maddie, sweetie, honey, sexy, cutie! C’mon!” Curtis touched to frozen body and kissed her pale skin. “Baby, wake up!”

“Nate, you know that we have to kill the experiments to start over as robots,” the girl said.

“She’s not a fucking experiment! I love her, bitch. Madison is a human!” Nate entwined his fingers with hers.

“They’re lying, Nate,” Andrea said, finally confessing her secret. “They knew you’d come after her wanted to test your emotions.”

“So she’ll wake up?” Curtis asked, glancing at Andrea.

“Yes.” Andrea let out a groan and a loud, earsplitting noise came from where she was. Andrea had broken through the chains and walked over to the boys as if it were nothing. “Let me check her.” Andrea laid a hand on her neck and glared up at the master. “You promised!’

Curtis looked over to the girl that they talked to and almost cracked up laughing. “What the hell! Your master is teenager? Shit.” Curtis snorted loudly. “Are you dudes blind? She’s twelve! Hell, give her a time out or something. Shit this is funny.” He snorted some more.

Nate cracked a smile and so did Andrea. “I never realized that.”

“Can I use someone?” Curtis walked over to a robot that seemed to be very muscular. “Dude, come with me for a sec.” Curtis grabbed the mans hand and brought him over to the girl. “Take her by the neck and slam her against the wall, but give her some air.” He looked over at Andrea. “How do you turn him off?”

“There’s a switch on the lower of his back.” Curtis nodded and walked over to them. He felt the mans back and found the button. Off went Muscle Man.

“Now, how do we get her normal again?” Curtis wasn’t freaking out and that made Nate wonder how he did it. Madison had ran from him, but Curtis did this like nothing was really happening.

“It’ll take a while,” Andrea said, beaming as she looked at Jennifer.

“We have the rest of our lives,” Curtis said, grinning at Nate.
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long, i know. i wasn't so sure if i should've put Nate with a gun, but he would've done anything, remember? i wasnt so sure if curtis being so "i'm cool with this" vibe worked good. and no, she did not die, they just put her to sleep, cuz they were in the middle of working on her. things get better...i think. thanks for reading and comments are loved lots!!