Status: Done.

Robot meets Girl

Weekend together

Madison smiled at Nate as she finished packing her duffle bag. Curtis had given them the key to the cabin up by the mountains.

They stood at the transit stop, waiting for the bus that took them up to the forest. Madison had turned off her cell phone and held Nate’s hand. The bus stopped in front of them and they got inside, sitting in the back.

“I hope you don’t mind, but I brought my schoolwork, because—” Nate pressed his index finger against her lips.

“It’s fine.” He leaned down and kissed her for a short second, leaving her breathless. “Besides, we can study together.”

Maddie smirked and kissed him. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” They sat on the bus quietly, holding hands.


Julian and Curtis sat at a booth at a café, grinning at one another as they held hands. Julian was wearing black slacks and a white button-down shirt, while Curtis wore tight jeans and a tie-dyed pride shirt.

“What may I get you two?” the waiter asked, smiling at Julian.

“I’ll have the pasta.” He squeezed Curtis’s hand.

“I’ll have the veggie burger.” Curtis left his stomach turn painfully and his heart burnt.

“Okay.” As the waiter left, Julian started talking about his job and the new tattoos, while Curtis thought about how an amazing guy like Julian would want to be with him. Was he insane? They were too different.

“Hey, faggots,” the quarterback said, as he walked past the couple and snickered.

Curtis thought how Madison would kick their asses for calling them that, but remembered that she was gone with Nate. Why did she have so much courage and all he had were looks?

“You feeling okay, Curtis?” Julian gave him a concerned look, like he cared.

“Are you sure about this, Julian, about us?” Curtis could hear Maddie telling him to cut it out, to be happy that he has a good thing going, but he couldn’t. “Because I don’t think this can work.” Curtis took his hands away from Julian’s and got up to leave. “I’m sorry.” Curtis walked away, not letting himself think twice about his split-second decision.


They arrived at the cabin by two and headed inside to put their bags on the two twin beds. They had slept in the same bed together, sure, but they here alone and Nate didn’t feel very comfortable about it.

Madison sat on the bed with pink bedding and growled under her throat. Pink. Add some back and she’d be happy.

“I can take that bed if you want.” Nate’s voice seemed sincere like he really didn’t care, but she was ticked about something else.

“Why didn’t you want me to remember? I mean, what’s so bad about the past?” Madison turned to him, waiting for a reaction. “I don’t see why you wouldn’t want me to remember you.”

“It’s not that, Maddie. I didn’t want you to remember the pain!” Nate had never yelled before, but Madison knew that she had brought this on herself. “I didn’t want you to remember what a bastard your dad was. I didn’t want you to remember Adam talking to you. So, I thought I was just a vague memory, you wouldn’t bother to figure out the rest!” He threw his hands in the air, exhausted.

“You’re so hot right now.” Madison walked toward him; a devilish smile was mustered on her face as she kissed him.

Nate kissed her back, too tired to fight back. He pulled her close and the day turned into night.
♠ ♠ ♠
*grins evilily* i know, it was sad about Julian and Curtis, but as you can tell, Curtis doesn't date more than a week. The next chapter you get to know more about Julian and Alison (those who "boo" Allie can leave the room). And just so you know, the story is far from over, and good news *waits for claps* since I've had a good seccess with this story, all of you who will stay with this story can subcribe to the next done when this is finished. Don't worry, you'll like/love it as much as this one...i hope. Did I forget to mention that one of my reader made Julian? Okay, thanks for reading and lots of love!! you may rest your eyes now.