Status: Done.

Robot meets Girl

Twelve too many

Madison sat on the bed, listening to each message. Three were from Curtis, telling him that he had dumped Julian. Four were from Alison telling her that Julian was on suicide watch and that they were going to have fun. Two were from Julian telling her to enjoy her weekend, because he had Allie. Two were from Allie saying she had everything under control. The last was from Curtis, telling her that he needed to stand on his own feet for once. That broke her heart.

“Are you okay, Madison?” Nate walked over to her from the counter, seeing the tears run down her naturally pale face.

“He doesn’t need me anymore.” Madison grabbed him and he held her tightly. She didn’t plan on this day coming until graduation, but yet she didn’t expect a lot...

Nate didn’t know how to handle this, knowing he should probably check out a Dummies Guide about it later. He held her against him and let her cry. Maybe he’d go by some pads if she was doing that this week. “Calm down.” Nate knew she’d understand later; understand that he was finally growing up.


They sat watching the first Pirates of the Caribbean and Alison handed him some more popcorn. Julian took a handful, not bothering to take his eyes off of Orlando Bloom, while Allie drooled over Johnny Depp.

The two had decided to take their small party—along with the rest of his stuff from Curtis’s house—to Alison’s, where he slept in the guest room. Alison glanced over at the other four movies they’d watch tomorrow. This is how he was getting over Curtis and she didn’t mind much either, since they all had mouthwatering guy in them.

Her cell rang and she looked at the Caller ID. It was Curtis, probably wondering if Maddie was back yet. “I’ll be right back.” She walked outside and opened the phone. “What do you want?”

“Angry much? Take a pill.” Curtis seemed happy, as if he had gotten over Julian already.

“You’re such a bastard, breaking his heart like that! I can’t believe you have the nerve to call!” Alison was amazed by how much anger flowed through her body, even though she had gotten to know Julian last night.

“Sorry.” Curtis sounded sincere, but that didn’t fool her. “Where is he? All of his stuff is gone and I’m worried.”

“Julian is staying with me.” She heard him chuckle and her heart raced. “Hear me, Curtis; you won’t talk to him until he talks to you. You do not call him unless he calls you first. Got it?”

“Yes, ma’am,” Curtis said, a laugh deep in his throat.

“And don’t call me again, Curtis.” Alison hung up and opened the door to see Julian standing in front of it.

“Why’d you say all of that stuff?” Julian messed with his shirt sleeve nervously. “I mean...”

Alison rolled her eyes. “Because you’re my friend.” She grabbed his hand. “C’mon, let’s got watch sexy guys!”
♠ ♠ ♠
you wanna know how this story keeps going? the comments! it doesn't matter how many people read, cuz its a good amount, its what people have to say. i thought about giving up and starting a new story, but hey, with the comment i got the other day, i decided that i couldn't. so, everyone who comments, thank you, you have NO idea how much it means to me!