Status: Done.

Robot meets Girl


Nate stood at the front of the commons, glancing at group to group. People scurried around him. Nate noticed how everyone in a group at a table looked a like; but what he really noticed was that they weren’t even trying to expand their friendships; and what pissed him off was that there was no diversity here; the Mexicans sat with each other and talked softly to their friends. Was this really what the world was coming to?

“Nate!” Alison was jumping up and down and waving her arms frantically for him to come over. Some guys and girls stopped for a brief second to stare at her, only to move on and laugh about it. He didn’t need a computer to know why a few people in groups were looking.

A small laugh broke him away from the short amusement to see Madison smiling. “Hey.”

Madison nodded. “Hi.” Her smile faded as she met his eyes.

“Uh...” Nate stopped, having the uncomfortable churning in his gears again.

“Do you want to sit with us and keep your lunch?” Madison asked, rolling her eyes at Alison.

"Sure.” Nate was led by Madison to the table and they sat with each other, not saying anything.

“Hello ladies!!” a boy yelled. The boy was wearing a black shirt with a rainbow peace sign, another rainbow shirt under that, black pants with rainbow ribbons on the left thigh and more under his right shin, and he wore pink boots. The most amazing thing about him was that the left side of his hair was a perfect rainbow. He must have worked hard on dying his hair that way.

Nate’s “thoughts” went into overdrive, telling him how astonishing he looked and was getting choked up.

Madison blushed and grabbed Nate’s hand. “Nate, this magnificent boy is Cutis McLang; Curtis, this is Nate. From what he tells me, he’s straight.”

“You brought me a boy toy?” Curtis said, flirting and leaning close to Nate.

Nate glanced at Curtis one more time, then at Madison, smirking awkwardly at her. His “thoughts” were plunging into overdrive and everything seemed to be fading. He didn’t know he had fallen to the floor, because he was starting to shut down.
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my friend, darknestlight, made Curtis so i wanted to give her credit, she deserves it. tell me what you think. part 4 is on the way! i love this story!!!