Status: Done.

Robot meets Girl

Nate's view

Madison had released her lips from his, grinning, and walked over to the candy stand.

Nate felt a sting and turned around to see a girl, she looked oddly familiar. His mind blurred and his sight seemed to change, but how? The Madison in his mind had turned to this girl in front of him.

“She’s a human, Nate; she gets boring after a while.” The girl sounded bored just talking about her. “We, on the other hand are different, don’t you think?”

Who was Madison? The name made his gears turn, but a picture couldn’t form in his mind. Within seconds, all of his memories of her and her friends were gone...

“Kiss me.” Her olive eyes met his and he suddenly felt sick. She leaned into him, her skinny body leaned against his and they kissed.

Nate had never kissed before, so she had to place his hands on her body. She told herself not to grin, knowing that the girlfriend saw them. Ileana looked over to see the girlfriend’s horrified look.

The girlfriend got her cotton candy and acted as if it had never happened. That wasn’t part of the plan! She was supposed to come over and Ileana was going to drug her!

“Come with me, Nate.” Ileana grabbed his hand and dragged him on of the trailers that the parade used. She placed the earpiece in her perfectly shaped ear. “I want to talk to the Master.” Ileana shoved another shot in his neck; this one was so that all of his memories would be of them, not of Madison. “Hello, Master. Yes, I have Nate. The girl? No, she didn’t react as we had hoped. I did give him two shots though.” She saw as the shot melted into his skin, creating a tattoo, so that all of the idiotic humans wouldn’t think twice about it. “We’ll be there shortly. I am registered and I’m starting tomorrow. I will try to get her. Okay, I will call you again when I have something to update.”

Ileana grinned, promising herself that she would get the matter what...
♠ ♠ ♠
This is Nate's POV of the kissing-thingy, so those of you who are mad at him, get a better understanding. For those of you who want spice, make-out sessions, and all that, is going to to happen in a few more chapters. The next chapter I am working on is dealing with Maddie's heartbreak and much more! Thanks for reading and thanks bunches for the comments!