Status: Done.

Robot meets Girl

Continued heartbreak

Finals came as quick as the knives that stabbed Madison’s heart when she saw Nate with his girlfriend. She didn’t admit to her friends that she was hurt, that her breathing stopped when she saw them together, that her heart shot to her throat, making her unable to talk, or that fact that she was focusing more on schoolwork than a social life.

“You okay, Maddie?” Alison seemed concerned and Maddie shrugged. She didn’t know how to feel about it. Sure, Madison had never loved Adam, but she did love Nate, and she knew that because the feeling was new to her, crashing down on her with a surprising force that she hadn’t expected.

Alison glanced away from her to see Adam looking at her. He waved to her and she smiled. Maybe they could be friends...

Adam smiled at her. He had found himself thinking of her more often since she showed her human side and even thought about taking her to prom. Adam knew he couldn’t take a heartbroken Madison, realizing he would cause more pain. How would be ask Alison though? They had slept together and all he saw were looks then and now all he wants is...someone.

“I’ll be right back...” Alison saw that Madison was studying again, working on Math. She shook her head and when she got up, she saw Nate kissing that girl again. No wonder Maddie had started working again. Allie headed over to Adam’s table and noticed that his “friends” quieted.

“Who invited that slut?” a boy said under his breath.

Adam went pink, embarrassed, and glared at his friend. “Shut up, Rye.”

Rye started laughing, his chestnut hair swaying. “Are you two fucking again?”

Alison walked away, not letting them see her tears. She glimpsed to see Nate finally taking his lips from the girls and gave a momentary glance at Madison, who was writing down everything in the book, word for word.


Madison ate her peanut butter sandwich as she read her Language Arts book, not paying attention to Curtis or Alison. She wasn’t mad at Curtis anymore and Alison was writing in one of the journals.

There was a knock on the door, making Alison jump. Madison ignored it and Curtis seemed to be writing a love letter to someone. She got up and opened the door.

“Adam?” Alison shut the door in his face and he opened it. “Get out.”

In the other room, Madison looked up with concern and Curtis stopped writing. What would Adam be doing here?

“Alison, just let me explain! I know my friends are jerks and I’m sorry. I’m sorry I was a jerk to you. I’m sorry it didn’t work out. I’m just sorry!” Adam’s body language seemed correct with his words, even his eyes seemed to be pleading.

“Let’s go.” Madison got her books and backpack, while Curtis brought his pen and notebook. They left out the door in the kitchen, shutting it quietly.

Alison stood there, motionless. “Sorry doesn’t always cut it.” She was entirely thinking of this situation, but Madison’s and Julian’s.

Adam nodded. “Okay.” He took a step closer and pecked her lips.

Alison didn’t have chance to react before he kissed her again. She was confused at the most. Why now? Why after they’ve slept together did he want her again? Why did she want him again? Allie brushed her fingers through his hair and pulled on it.

Adam wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her close as he pulled away. “I don’t want you for sex, if that’s what you’re thinking. I just want you.”

Alison was thinking if he meant it or not, but she would give him the award for being corny. “I have to think about this, Adam.” She pulled away from him. “I think you should leave, Adam.” What was happening to her? She would’ve gone for him the second he kissed her and now...she didn’t want him that badly. Maybe it was because she didn’t want her heart to be broken like her friend’s. She wasn’t ready to feel that pain yet...again.
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thanks for reading! The next chapter will take a day or two, cuz i need something done! Comments are welcome and you know, thanks for reading!