Status: Done.

Robot meets Girl


Alison, Curtis, Julian, and Madison weren’t as excited about the Junior Prom like most people, which was about eighty percent of the school. Even the “emos” seemed a bit excited and a few geeks were going as well.

Madison didn’t really give the event a thought, because she knew—everyone knew—that Nate was going with his new girlfriend. Alison didn’t talk to Adam since he came over and she had made up her mind not to go. Curtis wasn’t positive he was ready to go with Luke and he was worried about Julian more than he should be. Julian was only going to go if the others did, pretty much because he didn’t have anyone to go with.

“Woo!” Madison yelled at lunch and the group looked at her. “We only have three more tests until we’re done with finals! We should party or something.”

Curtis smiled. “There’s the dance...”

Madison pondered what he was saying before he could take it back. “Why not? I mean, I’m sure Allie and I have dresses. Nate—I mean, Curtis, you have that rainbow tux and we can put something together for you Julian!”

Alison wasn’t sure if it was the fact the finals were ending that got to her head or if she was really thrilled about going. “Are you sure?”

Madison raised an eyebrow. “C’mon, peoples! We need to have a little fun and let go of the pressure! Schools almost over and then more stress comes when it starts again, so let’s enjoy this, okay?”

They knew that they couldn’t talk her out of it, because they wanted to make her happy. She still hadn’t told them how she felt about the Nate situation and they knew that she probably wouldn’t.


“Nice tattoo, dude,” a guy behind Nate told him.

Nate left the back of his neck and could tell the difference between the tattoo and his artificial skin. Nate got up, not even bothering to ask the teacher and headed into the boys’ bathroom. He turned around, so that his back faced the mirror and took of his shirt. He gasped when he saw the dragon tattoo that ended where his pants began.

“Owe.” Nate pulled a needle out of his back and everything became dizzy. He needed help. Nate headed from the bathroom—still shirtless—and came to Madison’s fourth period. He came inside, seeing studying students. “Madison, I need your help.”

Madison looked up from her paper; she let out a deep breath, got her book bag and her paper. She left with him, not ready to throw a fit yet. “What do you want?”

“I feel needles in my back.” He turned so that she could see his back. “Can you get them out?”

Madison nodded. “Yeah. Let’s go somewhere else.” She grabbed his hand, taking him outside and to the elementary school, where he sat on the swing and she tried pulling out as many needles as she could. “Sorry.”

“About what?” Nate’s memories came back slowly.

Madison brushed her hand over his back and started pulling more out. “I wasn’t a good girlfriend or else you would’ve stayed with me.”

Nate wanted to turn around and meet her eyes, but he was starting to feel the pain. “I don’t even remember dumping you.”

“Why are these needles in your back anyways?” Madison pulled out another.

“I don’t know.” Nate turned around, sending Madison flying to him.

“How can you not?” Madison frowned. “Have your back face me.”

“I don’t want to.” Nate met her eyes and she looked away, clearing her throat.

“Turn around.” Madison stood behind him and turned his back toward her. “I don’t want to do this right now.” This time, she meant for it to hurt.
♠ ♠ ♠
whatca think? I have a cat sleeping on my lap! Anyway, I'll remind you that this is JUST A DRAFT!!!! Okay, so anyboady have any songs in mind that you want for the prom? One song will do. As you know, school is starting again (ugh, I know), which means that I probably wont be able to update as I usually. Sorry! Look for new chapters on weekend though!!! Thanks for reading and comments are always loved!!!