Status: Done.

Robot meets Girl

Final week

The final week approached and Curtis was still at the hospital, getting one of his balls taken off, while Julian was coming by after school.

The trio, Allie, Maddie, and Julian sat on the bleachers, listening to the vice principle drone on about what school events are going on this summer.

“And now, Madison Evan would like to say a few words.” The vice principle smiled with his chubby cheeks and handed her the mic.

“Hi, everyone, I would like to talk to you about the hate crime that happened to my friend last week. I don’t know why a person would do such a thing. Has anyone ever thought about how it would be if being straight was wrong? Was if everything was turned around, how would you feel? Would you want your crotch squeezed enough to have one of the balls removed?” Everyone stared at her; some were pissed, some actually seemed concerned, which was a surprise.

“Tell me what’s so wrong about being gay! Seriously, what’s wrong with it? Why can’t we just accept it or ignore it and move on? Why do we have to act on our feelings about a situation with violence? Anyway, that’s not why I’m up here. The school council and I have agreed that if anyone here uses violence for any reason, they will get a week of detention and a month of cleaning, along with anger management. We don’t want fights or anything of the sort encouraged. If you do, you will suffer the same consequence. Thank you.” Madison got off the stage and sat with her friends, tears running down her eyes. She was in so much pain.


Julian sat on the chair, facing Curtis with his feet on the end of the bed. Curtis was asleep from the drugs and Julian tempted to go over and kiss him. He gave into his desires and pecked Curtis’s lips for a short second.

Curtis groaned, opening his eyes to see Julian. “Did you just kiss me?”

“Maybe.” Julian smirked. “There’s something I’ve wanted to tell you.”

“I love you, too.” Curtis sat up, grinning crookedly. “I’m sorry I broke up with you. I was trying to make you jealous and that backfired.” He gestured to his crotch. “I should’ve known that you weren’t like that.”

“Stop apologizing and kiss me,” Julian said, leaning down as Curtis kissed him with a force that burnt his lips.

Alison poked her head in Curtis’s door to see them kissing and decided to leave. She turned around to see Adam walking down another hall. Stalker. She followed him and grabbed his arm when she got close enough. “What are you doing here?”

Adam stepped forward and kissed her, brushing her hair out of her face as the kiss deepened. Alison didn’t bother to pull away; in fact, she kissed him back as they stood there, holding each other’s faces. “I’m sorry.”

Alison smiled. “Just shut up and kiss me.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so the this is coming to a close. But even if this one ends, there will be a sequel. I'm planning on making 3 in all. This, the sequel, and the last one. They get older of course, who doesn't? Ummm. I can't entirely say how many more chapter. 3 or 4. Hard to say. But, this is what I'll give away. It ends with a cliff hanger. Did I mention that I plan on publishing this in a few years? No? Well, that's the plan! After I get everything fixed, I'll let you know! Thanks for reading and I love all you. Comments are welcome!