Status: Done.

Robot meets Girl


Everyone got seated in the uncomfortable wooden pews. The pastor looked out into the large group and spots Curtis, in his rainbow clothing.

“We are joined here today because of God. He is a very important person, as many of you know. God has either been with you throughout your life or helped you out from your struggles. Now, will you please join me in song?” The pastor brought out papers on his desk and started to sing.

Curtis started singing, his voice hitting every note perfectly. Curtis always went to church on Sunday and got kicked out because the pastor was tired of him always coming, creating a sin in the church as the pastor remarked every time they came.

Madison stood up, but didn’t sing or move unless it was to sit down. She didn’t believe in a God or savior. The only savior she knew was Curtis and that wouldn’t change.

Nate stood as well, not listening to the music or singing. He didn’t understand how this Majesty as so important. How come people worshiped him? Have they even met Him? Why did they need his help and believe in Him? Even though he wasn’t human, Nate knew he didn’t like God.

After about forty-five minutes of singing, everyone sat down and opened the Holy Bible. Madison had brought a book and was reading in while Nate looked down at the old floor.

Curtis opened the heavy book and started reading. His mind wasn’t really focusing on God, either, but he was going try and stay here longer this time.

Nate was thinking of Madison. How come she had a large affect on him? He wanted to reach over and hold her hand. Nate’s lips hungered for her, but he tried telling himself that it was nothing.

Hours passed in reading, praying, and sleeping. Madison had finished her book and had fallen asleep on Nate’s shoulder.

“We have sinner that comes here every Sunday and he has felt the need by coming here and ruining our Sunday, again.” The pastor stood at the beginning aisle of the pews. “Why do you continue to come Curtis? You are already damned, why bring more pain on yourself and everyone praising the Lord, today?”

Curtis met the pastors’ eyes, grinning. He didn’t bother to say anything.

“The Lord has welcomed you everyday, but has always been cautious of you bring here.” The pastor, with his skinny body taking small steps closer. “Why don’t you spare us, demon, and leave us alone? You unsettle God’s children and I think you should leave, permanently this time.”

Curtis stood up, glaring at the pastor. “How am I unsettling you, asshole? I sit here and read out of the Bible while you talk about how amazing some pansy is that doesn’t let everyone in his little circle of friends! You should let gays come in here freely, but no, you have to be narrow minded and stupid! Fuck God, he’s a bastard that belongs in Hell!” Curtis turned around, getting his Bible and felt something heavy hit the back of his head. He turned around to see that the pastor was missing the Bible he was holding a second ago.

Nate shook Madison awake and whispered to her of what was happening. Madison got to her feet, got her book and glared at the pastor.

“Curtis, let’s go.” Madison reached for his hand and started leading him out.

“Fag hag.” The crisp and clear words came from the pastor and Madison couldn’t contain her anger any longer. Her fist collided with his face and she kicked him in the groin before leaving.

“Who the hell would come here anyways?” Madison said before they left.
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i think darknestlight would really like this chapter. thanks for reading and tell me what you think!!!