Status: Active, Please be Kind <3

Alchemist and the Necromancer

Chapter Thirteen Krissi

Chapter Thirteen

The smell of cherry blossoms filled the air and instantly I was caught up in its fragrant intoxication. My eyes slowly opened and I smiled looking up into the face of my mother. Nyx smiled down at me a loving and relieved smile as she stroked my hair.
“Darling daughter, I am glad you have been retrieved from that evil. But you need not fear the darkness. Darkness is your father as I, night am your mother. Your body will be healed and you will regain your strength”.

She explained smiling down at me. I returned her smile feeling the tears come to my eyes as my smile wavered.
“Night, he’s”
Nyx smiled lifting her eyes and I turned my head to see Night standing strong in the distance. I sat up fast looking at him.
“He has devoted himself to my side, Night is now a solider of my armies”.
I looked at her as she smiled rising to her feet. I stood facing her.
“The elements wouldn’t come to me. I tried to save Night and I couldn’t save them”.

Nyx smiled at me holding me by my shoulders shaking her head lightly.
“They did not abandon you, the elements could not penetrate the evil that surrounded you because you are only in the beginning stages of coming into your powers. You my daughter are The High Priestess of Alchemist’s and Vampires alike. The power that dwells within you is unmatched. However, this power of yours will take 13 years to truly develop. I fear things will get harder for you before they get easier”.

I frowned at her but Nyx never lost her smile as she rested her hands on my shoulders.
“You will overcome the challenges you face daughter. You are the High Priestess of both races. Govern over them with love, understanding and compassion. See the good in them as you have with your sister spirit, Harlyn. She is a gift to you from Hecate, and as reward for her dedication to you and the change in her that you inspired I gave her the ability to see through your eyes while she sleeps”.
Nyx smiled at me keeping hold of my shoulders.

“Know that you are never alone, and that someday you will have others like Harlyn who are loyal to you and gifted to you. For now, you must face the demon that is Damien. He will continue to build Raven’s army and someday they will unite to set him free, do not be fooled by the stillness around you. Raven has never left the world. He has never turned his eyes from you. He will never take his eyes from you”.

I looked up at her frowning a little at this news. It wasn’t what I wanted to hear, but it was the truth and there was no escaping that. I turned towards Night who smiled at me fisting his hand to his heart and bowing to me before he and Nyx were gone. I opened my eyes slowly to find myself in the infirmary. I was hooked up to a heart monitor and had an IV in my arm. Tubes in my nose, I was in really bad shape. The bandages on the burns I’d gotten from being electrocuted. I was a little dazed and weak, cards and flowers, gifts and stuffed animals filled the room.

I started to sit up slowly as I looked around the room trying to remember how I got here. Athena entered the room and smiled seeing I was awake. I smiled back to her glad to see a friendly face.
“Krissi, thank Goddess you are well”.
She sat on the edge of the bed taking me into a gentle hug. We separated and she sighed with relief looking at me.
“You are well aren’t you?”

I nodded a little.
“Kind of weak and a little shaken up”.
Athena smiled at me.
“Then I am permitting you to be released to your parents for the remaining summer months”.
I gaped at her.
“Summer? But exams! And my second term! I missed my 18th birthday”.
Athena smiled softly cupping my cheek.
“Yes, and I have approved you for full credit, the road to recovery will be a long one and I believe it will be easier for you if you are with your family”.

I nodded to her. All I really wanted was to see my parents. Athena stood leaving the room for only a moment before they appeared in the doorway. I burst into tears at the sight of my parents and grandma. Hugging them all as I sobbed softly so glad I was with them again. I thought I’d never see them again.
“Are you alright?”
Dad asked looking like he’d been crying. It broke my heart to see him like this.
“Yes I’m ok dad, I just wanna go home”.

I was released from the infirmary and walking on my own was a struggle but I was regaining my strength as long as there was someone to support me while I walked. Dad helped me out to the car and the drive back to the house wasn’t that long of one. I knew my parents were worried about my returning to the school. Grandma was a little more understanding about things. I’d be in danger no matter where I was. .

When I arrived home the place was quite but I noticed Harlyn’s pink convertible in the driveway. Grandma smiled at me taking me up to my room. Sure enough, there was an extra bed in my room and Harlyn had decorated her half of the room in photos of herself and me and herself and Night. I frowned at the photo of them kissing. Grandma ushered me into the bathroom where she had a nice hot shower running for me.

“Wash up then you can relax in a nice rose bubble bath”.
Grandma said. I smiled grateful for her. I got into the shower and closed my eyes taking in the heat and feel of the water. It was the first real shower I’d had in I didn’t know how long. I washed and washed and washed my hair. Then focused on scrubbing myself clean until I was sure I smelt like a hospital. When I got out of the shower, Grandma had a bubble bath that smelt like roses waiting for me. I got into the bath and for the first time in months I relaxed. After my bath I removed the bandages from my arms and froze at what I saw.

New tattoos appeared there matching the one on my forehead. Tattoo sleeves of Interknit stars and moons danced around my arms. They shimmered in the light of the setting sun. I smiled down at them. It was a sign from Nyx. I was coming into my own no matter how much Damien and Raven tried to hurt me. My powers were growing regardless. Grandma came back into the room and smiled at me.

“Well, it appears as if your Goddess has gifted you with new marks. Normally Alchemist don’t get new marks until the 8th or 9th year. You truly are extraordinary.”

I sat down on my bed while Grandma brushed my very long hair. The pink had washed out and that made me kind of sad. She took my hair back from my face and smiled at me.
“Harlyn made a hair appointment for you tomorrow and the girls are planning on stopping by, Harlyn said it would be best if they didn’t crowed you too soon”.

I smiled to myself glad she was looking out for me. Once my hair as pulled back in a ponytail I turned to face Grandma.
“What about Jimmy? Is he”. I asked trailing off. Grand ma smiled at me.
“Jimmy is alright, he and the guys are currently working on something of their own. I believe it has something to do with their band”.

My eyes shifted, so the girls were avoiding me because they didn’t want to crowd me. And Jimmy was with the guys. Of course this was ok. I mean the world didn’t stop turning just because I’d gone through hell for five months and been out cold for another few months. I ate dinner with my family and then decided to take a walk on the beach behind the house.

As the night began to take over the night I hugged myself listening to the waves as I walked. I was missing Jimmy like crazy, and the others but mostly I just wanted to be in Jimmy’s arms. I looked up as I walked seeing something in the distance. A bonfire was glowing and a group of guys were sitting around it laughing and talking as they passed around a bottle of whiskey. One of them passed the bottle without taking a drink and he lifted his eyes to lock with mine. Rising to his feet when he saw me. I froze looking at him.
“Dante what’s your problem man?”
One of his friends laughed. Then silence fell among them all as they looked at me. I backed up a bit before turning to walk away.

Dante called after me and he moved a lot faster than a normal person would have catching my wrist. I looked back at him not sure who he was. Dante smiled at me or well, more at the tiara style mark on my forehead.
“You’re an Alchemist”.
He noted as he looked down at me.
“I am, and you are?”

Dante smiled at me letting go of my hand.
“I’m Dante, I’m a warlock. I guess I attend a different school then you do being a Warlock”.
I crossed my arms uncomfortably taking a step back from him. I knew Jimmy had caused me when he nicknamed me Jail Bate. Guys tended to flock to me now and argue over me which in all honesty I hated. I just wanted to be with Jimmy and be happy. Dante smiled at me.
“You wanna join us? You look like you could use a friend”.
He was right, I could use a friend five friends and a boyfriend who I missed so much it hurt. I turned away from Dante.

“I don’t think so”.
I said walking away from him. As I started back towards the house a strange feeling washed over me. This wasn’t the last time my path would cross with Dante’s. And that worried me.
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