Status: Active, Please be Kind <3

Alchemist and the Necromancer

Chapter Nine Krissi

Chapter Nine

I opened my eyes to darkness as I had for a while now. I couldn’t say how long I’d been here to be honest, but Harlyn’s vision about being consumed by darkness was right. Darkness was all I saw or felt now. I looked over at the tray of cold and very stale looking food that was mushed together in a bowel for me. Rejecting it again I slumped into the wall feeling my hair fall over my shoulders. It was longer then I remembered. How fast does hair grow? I thought to myself trying to do the math. But I always sucked at math. I hugged my knees to my chest as a voice spoke from behind the steel door that let no signs of light into the room.
“Good morning Goddess”.
The tone was female and mocking as always.

I didn’t respond.
“It is time for you to repent your sins”.
The voice continued, then light flooded the room blinding me and two men grabbed me by my arms dragging me down the hall since I could no longer stand under my own power. My head down my feet dragging behind me as the men brought me into a well lit room with a chair that had restraints on it. I remembered how hard I fought the first time. Screaming at the top of my lungs for the elements, for Nyx. For Jimmy. All that fight was gone now. The men put me in the chair and locking the restraints around my arms and legs.

“Well, looks like you lived to see another day”.
Damien smirked as he walked into the room while I was hooked up to another device. Shock therapy was one of Damien’s favorite things to do to me. The cap was strapped across my forehead and I knew today was going to be more painful than the others.
“We’re taking things up a level since you haven’t been cooperating with us”.
He took the remote in his hand grinning at me.
“Now, you committed a sin awhile back, one against your true love. All you have to do is confess that sin and we can begin the path to redemption. Maybe he will even accept you back as his consort”.
I curled my fists against the chair narrowing my eyes at him as he began.

“What sin was it that you committed?”
Swallowing hard I spoke.
“I’ve committed no sins”.
My body jolted with pain and I screamed at the top of my lungs my body arching in pain as tears rolled down my cheeks. Damien left the shock on longer than normal. I thought I was going to pass out before he turned it off.
“Tisk, tisk. Still being so stubborn”.
Damien circled me smirking as he did.
“I’d hate to have to do that to you again Krissi. If you don’t start admitting what you did wrong, then it’s going to be a very long painful day of shock treatments and adrenalin shots to keep you awake”.
He smirked at me.

“So tell me. What is your greatest sin”?
Swallowing hard I braced myself again narrowing my eyes at him.
“I’ve committed no sins”.
Damien narrowed his eyes back at me pressing the button again. And again I screamed in pain as it coursed through me. I gasped for air as I slumped in the chair when he was done shocking me.
“Give her some of her medicine”.
Damien grinned at one of the bigger men. A needle full of adrenalin was injected into my arm causing me to cry out. This was always a bad sign.

“The others were much easier to convert then you are. But you just make this all the more fun for me”.
He sat down on the stool at the front of the room still holding the remote in his hand. Tears rolling down my cheeks.
“What is your greatest sin”?
Damien asked again. And this time I had a different answer for him. An Answer that would get me into even more trouble than before. But I didn’t care, I would die before I said Jimmy was my greatest sin.

“Dating you”.
Damien narrowed his eyes as I struck a personal nerve with him. He cranked the power up to full power and more pain then I thought possible shot through me to the point he nearly killed me. The guards had to stop him before I ended up dying. When the pain stopped I blacked out again slumping forwards in the chair.

Next time my eyes opened. I could smell cheese pizza outside the door it made my stomach hurt. I curled up in a ball trembling feeling the burns from when Damien lost control with me. But they were only on my arms. Any damage done to my mark repaired itself.
Closing my eyes tight I hummed the melody to Fiction to myself as I wrapped m arms around myself. I was scared out of my mind, I’d probably never see Jimmy again. The helplessness and sorrow built within me. I just wanted to be close to Jimmy again, to feel safe in his arms and know that he loved me more than anything else.
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