Status: Not the best but I'm trying

Dancing Queen

Chapter 2 - Late Night Brownies

*Knock knock*

"Oh please don't make me move"

I was perfectly happy with my hot chocolate brownie and watching safe haven, moving from this spot had not been an option in my night time plans for after the show.

Finally getting to the door and looking through the peephole I realized that Derek was standing with a bouquet of flowers.

"Hey, this is a pleasant surprise" I said, opening the door.

"Well, I wanted to give you these, “He said whilst handing me the flowers, "And I thought that we could talk about our dance tonight, I know how crazy the first show is" He continued whilst sitting on my bed. Sitting next to him, I replied "Well, I have to say it went a lot better than I expected it to." "Why, what were you expecting to happen" "Either I was going to fall or I was going to throw up" I replied, this caused Derek to start laughing.

"I think that everyone was thinking the same thing tonight" He replied still laughing. There was a moment of silence before Derek asked "Are you watching my sister" Noticing his attention was on the TV that was still playing safe haven I replied "Well, she is my favourite Hough sibling” He turned back to me with a shocked expression on his face. "Well maybe she should be your partner instead, then Missy" "Well, that would be different for the show" I replied laughing.

Picking up my brownie I offered Derek a bit, taking the bite, he started to smile "Friends again" I asked with a knowing smile. "Yeah, I suppose so,” He said before pinching my side, making me laugh.

We sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes me finishing my brownie and occasionally spoon feeding Derek. Whilst he sat doing something on his phone and accepting chunks of brownie when offered.

A few minutes later, my phone buzzed, looking at it, I noticed it was a twitter alert. Looking up at Derek he had a cheeky grin on his face.

'DerekHough: @EmmyTeller said that she liked @JulianneHough more than me....'

"I thought you would be going out with the other dancers tonight" I said to Derek, "Nah, most went back to their homes or hotel rooms. Mark went out with Sadie and her family" He replied. "So you ended up coming to see little old me, Derek I’m truly honoured"

"Well, last resort" "Hey!" I argued whilst tapping his arm. "

"I'm joking" He replied, laughing, "I thought why not be the great partner that I am and come keep my possibly lonely partner company in her room after a very stressful day" That made me smile just because how much he'd been paying attention. If it hadn't been for Sadie I would have been extremely lonely. I didn't really know anyone here and the only company that I had was the other contestants when they were about and Derek and the DWTS crew during rehearsal. I'm originally from New York, but after spending a while in LA I was loving it just needed a social base and I could happily spend a lot of time here.

"You know that's really nice of you Derek, I've spent a lot of time on my own. There's only so many Nicholas Sparks films a girl can watch" I said with complete honesty. "Well babe, we're going to be seeing a lot of each other so you better get used to me" Derek smiled at me again before suggesting that we take a picture together.
Once we had done that Derek turned to me again and suggested, "Why don't we watch a movie before I head off for the night" "Yeah that sounds really good what you want to watch" I replied moving to get out my DVD collection I had travelled with. "I don't mind babe, why don't you pick and I’ll watch whatever." I nodded before moving again to choose.

'DerekHough: @EmmyTeller and I think our first dance went super well. Here's to many more with this gorgeous girl" (Photo in media bit too)

"Shouldn't have let me pick. You're stuck with the notebook now, "I said joining him against the headboard of the bed, as the menu appeared on the screen.”I'm sure I somewhat survive" He replied gently.