Somewhere Only We Know

1: I Didn’t Catch Your Name

“Are you sure that you cannot just do this by yourself?” Ariana murmured as she looked as watched her sister dress herself. She could see that Lucia was excited, the blonde girl only ever got that way when men and booze were in question, and Ariana didn’t want to be anywhere near it. Her sister was a ticking time bomb waiting to go off and she didn’t want to be around when it did. Ariana didn’t like her older sister at the best of times, even less so when she was drunk and trying to get into the pants of every man within a two mile radius.

“I need my wing man Ari, you’re the best at helping me pick up guys” Lucia fussed as she fixed her dress, exposing a little more cleavage than was necessary.

Ariana rolled her blue eyes and sighed, looking down at her own dress. It wasn’t the first time, Lucia had a habit of dragging out her baby sister even when the brunette had no interest in going out, but Ariana had never found the stomach to tell her no. Lucia was a danger to herself when she was drunk and Ariana knew that her parents would never forgive her if Lucia got hurt. They had been quick to task Ariana with keeping an eye on her big sister, even if Lucia was three years older than her, Ariana had always been the more responsible of the two and so Harry and Isabella had put her charge, something she was slowly growing to detest. She loved her big sister, she and Lucia had been inseparable as children, but as time had worn on, their bond had faded, leaving Lucia reckless and unaware and Ariana resentful and shy.

“You should think about wearing something a little more…revealing Ari. Guys are never going to look at you if you don’t give them something to look at” Lucia commented as she eyed her sister. She had never understood Ariana, the younger girl seemed to detest showing off what she had, and Lucia felt a little sorry for her. Ariana was beautiful and should have had more confidence in herself, something she seemed a little reluctant to believe.

Ariana shook her head. “I am fine in what I am wearing, gracias Luci” she mused.

Lucia offered her a slightly dubious look before she nodded, seizing her purse from the side. “Then let’s go” she smiled widely as she wrapped her arm around her sister’s. Ariana forced a grin in return before she reluctantly followed her sister. She doubted that night was going to be any different from the rest and couldn’t wait for it to be over.

She had a mug of tea and a book with her name written all over it.

“I am going to get us some drinks” Lucia grinned as she pulled Ariana into the club. It was a trendy place, it had hardly been open a week, and Lucia was thrilled that they had made it inside. The word on the street was that it was the latest hang out for the Real Madrid players and the thought of bagging a footballer was tantalizing to Lucia. She had always thought that was she destined to be WAG and meeting a footballer was merely a stepping stone in achieving her dream.

Ariana nodded. “I will go and find us a table” she returned.

Lucia grinned before she sped away towards the bar, already making eyes at the man who stood beside it, ordering drinks for him and his friends.

Ariana rolled her eyes slightly and padded across the dancefloor, swerving to avoid the mesh of bodies that stood in the middle of it. She had never liked nightclubs, she’d always found them a little stuffy and too loud, but she couldn’t leave Lucia to her own devices. The last time she had, Lucia had been arrested and their parents had had to pay damages to the club she had wrecked. Swerving to avoid another body, she padded towards a small table and set her bag down, glad to be off of her feet. She liked wearing heels, it was the one overtly feminine aspect of clothing that she frequented, but the pair she had chosen to wear that evening hurt. There were Lucia’s and were at least a size too small.

“Ari, come” Lucia grinned as she padded towards her sister, two drinks clutched haphazardly in her hands.

“Lucia, I have just sat down. Can I not have five minutes?” the younger girl whined.

Lucia shook her head. “No. You see the guy over there?” she posed, her hand gesturing towards a handsome dark haired man that stood at the bar, his eyes locked on Lucia. Ariana nodded. “He’s Sergio Ramos. He’s a footballer for Real and he just invited us to join him and his friends. Isn’t that amazing?” she squealed.

Ariana, not sharing her sister’s enthusiasm, sighed. “Luci” she pleaded “My feet are killing me” she added.

“Come on Ari, it’s a short walk across the room to the VIP section and then you can sit there all night. For me Ari?” the blonde posed, her brown eyes wide and soft like a puppy’s.

Ariana sighed. She wanted to say no, she had little interest in sitting around and watching a group of men fawn over her prettier sister, but she knew that Lucia wouldn’t relent. The blonde had developed a way of ensuring that she always got what she wanted. “Fine, but I am not dancing” she muttered, pushing herself reluctantly to her feet.

Lucia squealed and clapped her hands together before she grabbed Ariana’s wrist, practically pulling her over to the VIP section where a group of 5 men sat, talking amongst themselves. “Sergio” Lucia grinned. One of the men pushed himself up and moved towards the two girls, his arm wrapping around Lucia’s waist. “Guys, this is Lucia” he introduced.

Ariana rolled her eyes a little before she detached herself from her sister. It wasn’t a surprise, Ariana was used to being invisible beside her sister, but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt. She knew that she wasn’t as pretty as Lucia, the older girl was blonde, she was giggly and bubbly, and Ariana wasn’t. She had dark hair and appeared rather geeky thanks to the pair of glasses that graced her face on a near permanent basis.

“I didn’t catch your name” a voice commented causing Ariana to jump slightly.

“Sorry?” she spluttered, her eyes coming to land on a man that sat a little away from her, his dark brown eyes fixed on her.

The man spared a little lazy smile. “I said I didn’t catch your name. Sergio was quick to introduce your sister” he noted.

Ariana’s cheeks blushed. “Ariana” she commented.

The man nodded. “That’s a beautiful name” he mused with his soft smile still lighting his features.

Ariana ducked her head. She wasn’t used to men looking at her, not when Lucia was around, and she didn’t quite know how to react to it. She was pretty sure that he was merely being polite and didn’t want to embarrass herself by pretending that it was something more.

The man noticed her shying away and slipped a little closer, his eyes peeking beneath the veil of dark hair that hid her blue eyes from him. “Did my cheesy comment offend you?” he noted, his smile still dancing on his lips.

“N…No” she stammered gently.

“Then why are you hiding your face? I like that blush of yours” he admitted rather boldly.

Ariana blinked a little. “You don’t have to be so polite. I am sure you would rather be talking to Luci” she noted with a little look towards her sister who, as she had expected, had the other four men wrapped around her little finger. The man turned a little to admire the blonde girl before he turned back to Ariana. “I think I am talking to the right sister. I am Iker” he mused as he extended a hand towards her. Ariana lifted her eyebrows slightly. She didn’t think she had met another man that had turned down time with Lucia to be with her.

Hesitantly, she placed her hand into Iker’s and squeaked as he pressed a soft kiss to her warm skin. “It is nice to meet you Ariana” he mused.

Ariana just nodded, too in awe to do anything more. No man turned down Lucia, not that Ariana had ever seen, and she was sure that Iker would come to his senses. Most guys did.