Somewhere Only We Know

10: Have A Little Confidence

“Thanks for tonight Iker” Ariana mused as they walked up the street towards her apartment block. It had been another wonderful night, Iker had made her laugh and made her blush numerous times, and Ariana had loved every second of it. Iker still amazed her and she couldn’t help but want to spend every moment with him. He was wonderful.

“There is no need to thank me Ari” Iker mused as he swung their hands “I like taking you out and I like saying goodnight to you even more. It gives me a chance to do this” Iker smirked as he placed a soft kiss against her lips. It was still an odd feeling, kissing Ariana filled him with strange emotions that he had never quite felt before, but he couldn’t get enough. He loved having her close to him and never wanted to let her go for very long, hence why he insisted on seeing her so frequently. Ariana already consumed the large majority of his thoughts and he didn’t like to go very long without seeing her. Part of him thought she would slip through his fingers if he left her for more than a couple of days.

Ariana kissed him back happily, her fingers weaving in his dark hair. She felt confident, perhaps it was the wine he had given her, but Iker couldn’t help but smirk slightly. He liked bold Ariana a great deal. “Nena” he said, his voice breathy and a little ragged “We should leave this here for tonight” he mused. He liked that she was getting more confident, but he didn’t want to take advantage. She was clearly tipsy and Iker didn’t want her to regret a thing.

Ariana blushed softly and nodded. “You’re right. I will see you soon?” she breathed, a little smile on her lips.

Iker nodded. “Of course you will” he smiled widely “The team are having a dinner on Wednesday night. Sergio and Pilar are insistent that I invite you” Iker admitted timidly. It had been quick to spread, the news that Iker had found a girlfriend, and Sergio in particular was desperate to meet her. Iker hadn’t so much as looked at another girl since Sara and Sergio wanted to know all about the girl who won his friend’s heart.

Ariana blushed. “They want to meet me?” she posed.

Iker nodded. “They are very intrigued about you. Sergio’s not shut up” he teased, trying to relieve the tension that had appeared on her face.

Ariana blinked. “Iker, I don’t know” she breathed shyly.

Iker smiled softly. “I will be with you for every moment Ari. It’s only dinner and if you want to go, we will go alright?” he assured her as he moved to run his thumb over her cheekbone. He could see that she needed a little convincing and Iker was happy to provide it. He had already made it his mission to draw Ariana out of her shell and out of Lucia’s shadow.

“Are you sure?” Ariana noted.

“Certain. It will be fine Ari, I will tell Sergio that you will be there” he smiled softly.

Ariana nodded her head shyly before she pressed a little kiss to his lips, bidding him goodnight.

Iker watched her walk away from him and smiled. He was going to take care of her when they met his friends, the last thing he wanted was for her to be scared away from him.

“Mum, she’s not here” Lucia whined as she held the phone against her ear. She was irked, Isabella had been twittering on for nearly twenty minutes about Ariana and Iker and Lucia was starting to get a little annoyed. She didn’t care how cute her mother thought Iker and Ariana were, it wasn’t going to last.

“I know, but I am not hanging up until I speak to her. Aren’t you shocked?” Isabella pressed.

Lucia rolled her eyes. “Only that it is a guy” she muttered back smartly.

“Lucia” Isabella scolded “Your sister was always just a little shier than you, it just took her a little longer to get a boyfriend” she explained.

Lucia rolled her eyes. “Did you call just so that you could fawn over them?” she muttered as she heard the door of the apartment open and close, signaling Ariana’s arrival home from her date.

“No, I spoke to your father today and we are due back in Madrid in two weeks. I wanted to talk to Ariana about meeting Iker” Isabella gushed. She was excited, Ariana’s first boyfriend was a big deal for her, and she couldn’t wait to meet the man. She was sure that he was wonderful, he must have been for Ariana to show any interest in him, but she wanted to make sure. Ariana could be a little naïve at times.

Lucia rolled her brown eyes and extended the phone to Ariana who had walked into the lounge.

“Who is it?” Ariana mouthed.

“It’s mum. She wants to talk all things Iker” Lucia sneered before she thrust the phone into her sister’s hand, storming out of the room. Ariana watched her for a moment before she placed the phone to her ear, greeting her mother softly.

“I have seen your boyfriend” Isabella squeaked.

Ariana sighed. “That picture got around quicker than I thought it would. Are you guys mad?” she posed shyly.

Isabella laughed. “Mad? Ari, we couldn’t be mad. We’re excited for you” she insisted.

“You are?” Ariana squeaked. She had thought her parents would be a little more irked that she had hidden Iker from them.

“Of course. Aaron and your father haven’t stopped grinning yet and I am mightily impressed with him. He’s a handsome guy Ari” she enthused causing a hint of pink to appear on the brunette’s cheek.

“Mama” she murmured.

“What? You’ve certainly picked a stunner to start seeing” Isabella mused innocently.

“Mama, I am not with Iker because he is cute, though he is, I am with him because he can make me smile like no one else. He’s amazing, he’s clever, funny and considerate. I like him a lot” she admitted softly.

Isabella could hear the smile in her daughter’s voice. She had never heard her so worked up before.

“How long have you been seeing him?” Isabella poked.

“About eight days” Ariana admitted earnestly “But I am happy with how things are going mama, he’s the perfect gentleman” she insisted.

Isabella laughed softly. “I don’t doubt it Ari. I know you wouldn’t put up with a man who didn’t treat you right, I taught you well” she mused.

“You did madre. Now, if you don’t mind, I need to get some sleep. I am in a 9 tomorrow morning” she murmured.

“Your father, Aaron and I are due in Madrid in two weeks Ari. Is there any chance that we could meet the lovely Iker?” Isabella pressed.

Ariana blushed. “Mama, I don’t know. We might not even be together then” she squeaked.

Isabella giggled. “Oh come on Ari, just looking at that picture you can tell how much the man likes you. Have a little more confidence in yourself and Iker” she mused.

“It is hard Mama, I know that there are prettier girls out there that want him and I know I couldn’t stop him from going. Lucia’s already told me that he is going to find someone better” she mumbled.

Isabella sighed. “Ariana, you shouldn’t listen to Luci. You know how she is when the attention isn’t fixed on her, she is only trying to make you feel bad. Iker’s a good man, I can tell that, and you shouldn’t worry about him leaving, that will only push him away” she mused gently.

Ariana nodded. “Gracias mama” she murmured.

“It’s not a problem Ari. We’ll be in Madrid in fourteen days and when we get there, we would like to meet Iker Ok?” she mused.

Ariana nodded. “Alright mama. I will see you then” she murmured before she hung up the phone.
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Thanks to babygurl94512, Jayme112234 and Ladyfiaran for the comments :)