Somewhere Only We Know

58: Only You

“Come on Ariana” Iker whispered softly as he leant his head close to his wife, his dark eyes carefully watching the activity at the end of the bed. It had been hours, nearly 13 to be precise, but at last it looked like their little girl was about to make an appearance. Iker was concerned, the little girl was almost 5 weeks early, but Penelope had been quick to reassure them. The little girl had a strong heart and would only be born slightly smaller than she would have been at the full nine month term, something which pleased Iker a little. He didn’t quite know how he would have coped if there had been something wrong with the baby.

“That’s easy for you to say” Ariana hissed as she gritted her teeth “You’re not trying to push something the size of a watermelon out of you” she spat, her hand swatting for him slightly. Iker chuckled softly and ducked, avoiding her hand. He had grown used to it, for the majority of the last 13 hours, she had been yelling and screaming at him, but he knew she didn’t mean it. He was fairly sure that he would have been yelling and screaming if he was trying to push something the size of their daughter out of him.

“You’re nearly 10cm Ari” Penelope cooed as she looked up at the brunette “I’ll come back in a little while to check on you” she added.

Ariana groaned a little, but nodded her head, knowing that there was no speeding the process up.

Iker watched Penelope out of the room before he turned back to his wife, offering her a small smile. “How are you doing?” he posed softly. He felt bad, it was highly likely that their fight had caused the early breaking of Ariana’s waters, and Iker wanted to ensure that she was alright. He’d been less that clear with his feelings towards Sara and would have hated to have Ariana still upset about it when she brought their little girl into the world.

Ariana sighed. “It was hormones Iker” she muttered “I’ve been a mess for the last 8 months” she added as another contraction passed through her. Iker offered her his hand and grimaced slightly as she squeezed it tightly.

“I just want you to know that I meant what I said Ari” he murmured as she fell back against the mattress “I love you and only you and Sara being single doesn’t change that. You and our little girl are the only people that I want” he whispered as he flicked his stare back to her.

Ariana nodded. “I know” she admitted with a little smile “I just got worked up Iker. I look at you sometimes and think that you could have any girl on the face of the planet, but you chose me and it unsettles me slightly. I worry sometimes that you are just biding your time until someone better comes around” she admitted gently.

Iker shook his head and moved to sit beside her on the bed, his arm wrapping around her shoulder. “I am not biding my time Ari, no one could be better for me than you, and I hope you know that by now. We’ve been together for a year now, I wouldn’t have stayed if I didn’t want to be with you” he admitted softly.

Ariana nodded her head. “I know” she mused, a small smile playing at the corner of her mouth.

Iker chuckled and leant over, kissing her gently. “I love you Ariana” he murmured.

Ariana smiled gently. “I love you too” she added as she reached for his hand once more, squeezing it tightly. Iker grimaced. She had quite the grip on her.

“Iker, get Penelope” Ariana grumbled as yet another contraction passed.

“Why?” the keeper quipped.

“Because your little girl is about to put in an appearance” Ariana returned with a slight smile.

Iker’s eyes grew wide before he jumped back to his feet, tripping slightly as he rushed out of the door to find the midwife.

“She’s beautiful” Iker murmured softly as he stared down at the blanket that was settled in his arms, a few tears itching in the corner of his eye. It had taken a long time, Ariana had been in labour for 13 and a half hours before she pushed their little girl into the world, but Iker was sure that the wait was worth it. The resulting infant was the most breathtaking sight his eyes had ever settled on and he couldn’t take his stare off of her. She was perfect.

“You’ve said that about 20 times already” Ariana teased as she rested back in the bed, her blue eyes fixed on her husband. He looked made up, his face glowed with a smile that hadn’t moved in the hour since the baby had been born, and Ariana doubted she had seen a more perfect sight. Iker looked as though he was never going to stop smiling down at their daughter.

Iker chuckled. “Can you blame me? She’s the most amazing thing” he cooed.

Ariana rolled her eyes and stretched out her arms a little, wordlessly requesting that Iker hand over their baby. The keeper obliged and sat down beside them, his arm resting behind Ariana. “Violeta” the brunette whispered as she peeked down at their baby “I still think it is a beautiful name” she added.

Iker nodded. “She’s definitely a Violeta” he teased “Violeta Casillas Costa” he added.

Ariana nodded her head and cuddled the baby close, her eyes stinging with a few tears. Iker noticed them and wiped them away, offering her a little smile. “I will go and make the calls” he mused as he watched Violeta moved slightly. He knew that it would come as a shock, everyone had been making arrangements for a month’s time, but part of Iker couldn’t wait to break the news that Violeta had already arrived. He knew that it would be a surprise.

Ariana nodded softly and rested back against the mattress, her eyes blinking heavily.

Iker chuckled and picked up Violeta. “Sleep Ari, Lettie and I will be fine” he mused as he cradled the baby close to him.

Ariana nodded and snuggled up against the pillow that rested behind her, something which made Iker chuckle. “Sleep well” he murmured as he pressed a little kiss against her forehead. Ariana shifted a little before Iker leant back. He hoped that things would be alright, Ariana had been particularly upset when they had spoken about Sara, but he hoped that Violeta being born would calm his wife down again. Iker only wanted Ariana and he hoped that he could make the abundantly clear. He didn’t want to fight with her again.
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Thanks to Ladyfiaran and Jayme112234 for the comments :)