Sequel: Manic ***Doll
Status: Complete. =) (my first ever story completed!!! =D)

Sacrament of Wilderness

You Believe But What You See

*Bill's P.O.V*

"What is it, Tom?" My twin has called me over asking my help on something. "Alexe pretty much hates my guts Bill, and I don't know what to do!" Oh GOD. "Tom not to kill the mood or did kind of push her off the edge when you made fun of her four years ago. She HATED you after that." A look of confusion floods my brother's face and he raises an eyebrow. "AFTER? She hated me AFTER?" Rolling my eyes, I decide to explain the situation. "She did kinda have a TEENY, TINY crush on you because she thought you looked amazing in every sense. I'm not going to use the S-E-X-Y word 'cause it scares the living shit out of me just thinking of saying that word and your name in the same sentence....urghh. I think I'm sick..." Tom looks like he's about to slaughter me...ouch. "SHE LIKED ME!?! I FUCKED IT ALL UP!?! DAMN! I AM stupid!" I nod my head in agreement, ducking the pillow Tom just threw at me. "Sorry Tomi. :( But hey. Alexz probably might NEVER like you but maybe you could try befriending her or something? I have NO idea what the hell you want to do."

"I kind of already kissed her..." He just killed everything that could've been between him and Alexz. "You DID fuck it all up! There's just one problem: You like her even though she doesn't dress the same or anything like that? I mean...she's got a, literally ANGELIC, full soprano voice, sings metal and dresses kind of punky/rock-like....otherwise she kind of dresses the way I do. Wait...why DO you like Alexz exactly?" He blushes and doesn't say anything. "Ok nevermind then. Hey when do we get a notification of us getting signed? It's killing me not to know! We already wrote Schrei we just need to RECORD it! Haha." Interrupted by my ringing cell phone, I take it out of my pocket and answer. "Hello.....Ok. Haha. We were just talking about that....yes I'm ready for the fucking way. SERIOUSLY!?! YES we accept! See you in- WOW that's a short time! But yes we'll see you then...bye.." Allowing my phone to drop to the ground, I scream and begin to dance around.

"We, Tomi, are SIGNED artists! :D We kind of leave in 3 weeks.....oh SHIT. What do I tell Amara exactly? God damn I never thought of that..." The door opens and there stands Amara. "Tell me what? Oh god. Tom is everything alright?!" He chuckles, says yes and goes to his own room. "Hey! Alex left the band and Alie's FREAKING out worse than Danni and V. Kind of my fault though for saying something like "KICK THAT BITCH OUT OF THE BAND!" I was just angry at why her anger and hate towards Tom was at its still rising limit. Bill I think she's in EXTREME-TO-THE-MAX denial...Alex likes Tom I DO know that." What the hell!? How does she know that. "Because we've known each other for half our lives, silly-@$$. xD haha. But ja- damn yeah. Denial SUCKS. Heh. I was in a case of denial when I discovered we were performing for you guys two months ago. OH DAMN! My mommy's pregnant. :D I forgot about that as harsh as it is."

So I put my arms around her waist and kiss her forehead. "Two things. One: YAY! You're going to have a little sibling! :D It sucks being the little sibling but hey when Tom's your older twin it gets rather comical at times. Haha. Two: I'm sorry to hear Alex left. She kicked ass on guitar and on vocals." Amara looks confused and asks me what I meant by vocals. "Alex sang."

"Noo she didn't...she never sang a single vocal note on any of our demos or on our full-length debut album!" Oops. I guess I should explain. "I kind of walked in on her singing a song called "Listen To The Rain" while playing keyboard." Huh. Guess the girls never knew Alex was a singer/songwriter. "I did stumble across a sad but still kick-ass song she had a few years ago called "In Death". OH GOD! SHE WROTE ALL THOSE SONGS!?! HOLY SHIT! I never knew she was so...upset. GOD! No one did. She DID lose a sibling and her family!!! What the HELL have I done?! Mother of god I have to find her!" Before I can even call her name, my girlfriend rushes out of my bedroom, goes for her red thinly-designed hoodies with black olde English writing *In Memory* and knee-length boots and goes out the door.