‹ Prequel: Iron Maiden
Sequel: Paradise
Status: in progress

The Bird

Chapter 11

I ran for the detention sector, knowing I needed to get there before anyone else if my plan was going to work.

I was halfway there when an inhuman roar echoed through the halls.

'Shit!' I kicked it up a notch, quickly ducking around a corner when a few men dressed in black, carrying very large guns, came down the hallway. I took this moment to catch my breath. Man, I need to start working out.

I ran the rest of the way, only to find the door open.

Not a good sign.

Loki was standing there, hands behind his back, looking the same as he had the first time I'd gone to see him.

"Why did you come here? Why not listen to your beloved father or your precious Captain?" My brow furrowed. How did he know... "I know everything. You let me in your head, and now, I can see everything you do."

A hand wrapped around my waist, pulling me back. I let a blast of energy go and the person went stumbling back. I spun around to see...another Loki. I looked between the two.

The one outside the cage chuckled. "You really think I'd let myself be captured? Do you really think I'm that weak?" HE was right in front of me again.

He reached out for me, but I caught his hand.

"You're a monster." I sent another blast, but it barely fazed him.

"Very good. Use your anger." The Loki in the cage coached.

"I saw your exchange with the Captain. 'Was I seriously flirting with Captain America?'" He mocked.

I threw a punch at him, but he caught my hand easily. He spun me around so I was trapped, my arm behind my back.

"I gave you that dream. I needed you to feel something, so when I killed him, slowly in front of you..."

He spun me around, throwing me against the metal wall. I hit the ground, my vision hazy.

"It was never real, my dear." He knelt down, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "You have so much to learn."

He walked away from me as I tried to stay conscious. The door to the cage opened, freeing the second Loki.

"No!" I heard Thor yell, running straight for Loki, but he went straight through him and into the cage.

"Are you ever not going to fall for that?" Loki asked as Thor was sealed in the cage.

A guard with a large gun appeared, standing watch.

Thor jumped to his feet, running forward, hitting the glass with his hammer. A small crack appeared, the metal clasps slipping a little from the force, causing the cage to shake.

Loki chuckled before walking to the control panel.

"The humans think us immortal. Should we test that?"

The guard grunted, falling to the floor. "Move away please." Phil Coulson stood there, a very large gun in his hand. Loki froze, backing away from the control panel. "You like this? We started working on the prototype after you sent the Destroyer. Even I don't know what it does." Phil switched on the gun. "Would you like to find out?"

Loki disappeared and reappeared behind Phil in the blink of an eye, the pointy end of his spear going through Phil's chest. My heart stopped and I vaguely heard Thor's anguished cry.

Tears stung my eyes as Loki walked back to the panel. The floor opened under the cage and Thor backed away from the glass. No words were exchanged between the brothers and, with the press of a button, Thor was falling to his death.

Loki turned to me as I struggled to my hands and knees, my world spinning.

"You're going to lose." I heard Phil say.

Loki turned back to him. "Am I?"

"It's in your nature."

"Your heroes are scattered. Your floating fortress falls from the sky. Where is my disadvantage?"

"You lack conviction."

"I don't think I'm..." Loki was cut off by a blast from the gun, sending him through the wall I was just laying in front of.

"So that's what it does."

I stumbled over to Phil, falling on my knees.

"Phil...oh god." My hands were shaking.

"Skye, I want you to know something. The truth. You're mother...isn't who you think she is."


"Just remember, you can do anything. You can control it."

A hand fisted in my hair, pulling me to my feet. I yelped in pain.

"You're coming with me." Loki touched his spear to my chest and everything went black.