‹ Prequel: Iron Maiden
Sequel: Paradise
Status: in progress

The Bird

Chapter 15


Tony had refused to leave his daughter's side, Steve having to restrain him from following her into surgery. It took six agents to restrain Thor.

So the two sat, side by side, the tension so thick it could almost be seen.

It seemed like forever before the doctor came out.

"How is she?" Tony jumped to his feet.

"She's stable for now. She had considerable internal injuries and lost a lot of blood."

"She'll make it though, right?"

"If she wakes up, her chances will be greater."

"What do you mean 'if she wakes up?'"

"We don't have high hopes for her at the moment."

Tony's legs gave out under him and he collapsed. He would have hit the ground if Thor hadn't caught him, guiding him to a chair.

Somehow he made it to her room, barely holding himself up with the door frame at the sight of her.

Steve had to force him to leave her side after two days. Steve sat sketching at her bedside.

Dr. Banner had just entered the room when she shot up in bed, the heart monitor beeping uncontrollably.

Dr. Banner rushed forward, laying her back so she wouldn't tear her stitches, tilting her head back so he could remove her breathing tube.

She looked between them, wide eyed, breathing hard.

"What do you want from me?" She whispered.

She looked past them, fear in her chocolate eyes.

"She's hallucinating."


The stars surrounded me. They were so close I felt like I could reach out and touch them.

"Do you like invading my dreams?"

"You're dying. I can help you."

"What?" I spun to face him.

"Your body. It can't hold the Chitauri's magic. It'll destroy you before you can heal it. I can help you."

"Why? Why would you help me?"

"You're special. The amount of power you harness should destroy you, but yet here you are." He stepped closer to me. "All you have to do is take my hand. I can take you back."

"And if I don't?"

"You'll stay here, floating in oblivion, eventually dissolving into nothing."

"How do I know I can trust you?"

"You can't."

I looked at his outstretched hand for a long time, weighing the risk. Finally, I made my decision.