‹ Prequel: Iron Maiden
Sequel: Paradise
Status: in progress

The Bird


We had all gathered in Central Park to see Thor and Loki back to Asgard. We were all going our separate ways for now.

Thor nodded to us before they were beamed up to Asgard with the Tesseract. I hugged Natasha and gave Clint a nod before they loaded into a SHIELD car.

"I'll be home before dark." I told my dad, giving him a hug. "Dr. Banner." I shook his hand. "I'll probably be seeing you quite a bit now."

I took Steve's arm, almost skipping to his motorcycle.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" My dad called.

"There's nothing you wouldn't do!" I yelled back before he sped off in his new car with Dr. Banner.

"So ma'am, where are we headed."

"How about coffee?"

"Coffee sounds great." I hugged his waist as we sped off into the city.