Status: This is a short story so it's not broken up into chapters. It's more read like a journal. First person.

The Disney Reality

Reality vs Fantasy

When we got to our room, I immediately put away the Mickey pillows and stuffed animal underneath my bed and lied to my parents saying they hurt my neck at night. They replaced the pillows with two of our own. It was around three o’clock in the afternoon once we settled down. Lisa and I talked on her bed as Jamie played on his Gameboy, Super Mario, his all time favorite game. Lisa asked me about what’s been happening to me. She noticed my reluctance and assured me she can feel something weird as well. When I explained to her what happened back at the park and also earlier in the elevator, she told me that I was not crazy and that she had felt a strange presence upon arriving here as well. She told about something that happened to her the night before. She told me that she got up at around 3:00 am to use the bathroom. When she went to the sink, she saw that the Mickey Mouse head that was in a small decorative basket on top of the sink was facing away from her at first. Then, once she looked back into the mirror, it was facing her, literally propped up against the soap bar to have its black eyes looking directly at her. She said she turned it around and went into the cabinet beneath her to pull out a new towel to dry her hands. When she got back up, the head was gone. She looked all around the bathroom frantically, knowing she did not take it out of the basket herself. When she looked back into the mirror, she saw something truly disturbing. Behind her was a six foot tall MIckey Mouse. Its head, which looked stained with blood, tilted to the left and chuckled as the lights turned off instantly. She said she ran to the door and reached out for the knob, but instead felt her palm in someone else’s. She said two glowing eyes appeared behind her and cackled. She then said the next thing she remembered was her waking up in the bed, sweating and hyperventilating, which woke up Jamie but not for long. She said she felt as though she was in reality yet in some twisted fantastical form of it. Truly scared by her story, I asked her why she never told my parents. She claimed that they would probably say the dark can play tricks on you or that she was just dreaming so she never bothered. Jamie, overhearing our conversation, let out a condescending chuckle.
“Killer Mickey Mouse?” he scoffed, “Wow you guys should go to Warner Bros because you’re definitely looney!”
Lisa snatched his Gameboy out of his hand and removed the game as Jamie whined for her to give it back. My parents stepped in and demanded her to return it. Once she did, she turned back to me and told me to sleep with her tonight. I agreed as we continued to talk about anything else that doesn’t involve a mouse.
At around 7:00 pm, we went down to the cafeteria to have dinner. We walked into a truly bewildering and slightly disturbing sight. There was literally nobody else in there besides us. The whole cafeteria that was full just yesterday was now a wasteland of vacant tables and chairs and a static television screen on the flat screen. My parents found this both odd and eerie and could not even come up with a logical explanation as to why this was happening. For the first time, they were literally speech;less. The food, though, still looked freshly made as steam rose from the meats, potatoes, vegetables and the drinks still looked as though they’d just been poured as the ice was still intact. Though it was probably not the smartest idea, we took advantage of this opportunity and made our dinners to go as we packed our plates and went back to our room. Though Lisa and I were a bit skeptical….forget that A LOT skeptical, we waited for the others to begin eating before taking our first bites. After five minutes, we then begun eating after seeing them not die instantly. Once we finished the food, we stayed in the room until about 9:00 pm. My parents asked if we wanted to see the fireworks that usually happened at around 10:00 pm in Disney World. Though I was hesitant at first, Lisa told me that I needed to get out of the hotel and that the rides will be shut down and more importantly, there’d be lots of people. Feeling safer with knowing I wasn’t going insane alone, I agreed to go. We headed back down to the vacant lobby and drove ourselves back to the world of evilness.