Status: Current

Snow Angel

Lady Galadriel's Last Baby

The Lady Galadriel paced her chambers, running her long-fingered hands over her swollen stomach. The baby that lay in her aching womb was restless, tossing and turning and kicking its little legs. She puffed out some air as she rocked on the balls of her bare feet, sending a prayer up to the sky that her little one would settle down.

A long sharp pain answered Galadriel’s prayer, and a warm gush of water suddenly splashed her feet. The lady of the woods sighed, closely her eyes happily. It was time to meet her last child.

It was not the first time the Lady had given birth. She had had several children but all were several thousand years old, with their own kingdoms and families. Galadriel had thought the spirits had decided to give her no more children and she had been quite content with that fact. She had not wished for her job as a parent, as well as a Queen, to continue. Which was why this baby, had been such a shock for her and her husband, Celeborn.

She made her way slowly to the small glade in the woods, where her fountain of seeing lay. This is where she would have her child, so it would be born in among the earth, sky and water. She would bless her child as best she could with what the earth could provide, cleanse the child’s body with water of knowledge and allow it to bathe in the blessed light of the ancient stars. Tonight was Coirë, the ending of the Elvish winter and the beginning of Spring. It was often called “the coming to light” so it was quite fitting her child would be born on this night, though she had never heard of any other elvish babe born at the birth of the new season. Though, there had not been any elvish babies in a long time.

Another pain rocked through Galadriel, sending her to her knees, she moaned into the damp grass, pressing her fingers into the earth, asking for strength. More waves of pain had her panting, her legs spread and soon she could feel the babe’s head pushing away from her insides and into the light of the world.

It was the point when the moon moved to its highest point in the sky, and the stars gathered around it when Galadriel’s daughter dropped to the earth from between her legs. The baby cried once, reaching out her little hands towards the sky and suddenly, Galadriel was blinded with light.

A roaring sound pulsed in her ears, and the new mother fell back, shielding her face, forgetting about her helpless child. And then it was quiet, and the sorceress was staring down at her baby who was playing with light between her fingers. It was as if a star had fallen to earth, and been captured in the digits of her newborn. The air sparkled and danced until it seemed to be swallowed by the child, lighting her up from within and making the blonde strands of her hair glisten as if with diamonds. The baby turned her head, looking at her mother but she did not cry. She waited for Galadriel to pick her up, and then sighed, closing her eyes into a restful sleep. Galadriel did what she could with the mess from the birth before making her way back to the palace. She kept staring down at the sleeping baby, knowing there was a reason for everything that had happened, the conception and the mystical happenings of the birth. This baby was special, but only time would tell what she could truly do.
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Wow, it's been a long long time since I added anything to Mibba. Maybe my new burst of writing will continue onto my other abandoned stories. This story was originally the very first fanfiction I ever wrote, many years ago. My friend recently discovered the beauty of Legolas and inspired me to keep writing this and I have revamped it, hoping to include bits from The Hobbit before we get onto Lord of the Rings.

I hope you like!