I'll Hold You to the End

one of two

Sitting around the campfire, everyone but Ryan couldn't sleep. He was just too scared to close his eyes in case the biters came back for a meal. He just didn't feel like dealing with another death, especially if it was his boyfriend. He wouldn't be able to live with his self if something happened to him.

"Baby, come to bed!" he said in a whisper tone, not wanting to wake up the others. They'd probably yell at him to "Shut the fuck up." Brandon was smarter than that, and so was Ryan.

"No, I'm standing watch. You go to bed!" Ryan said with a hint of sass in his voice. He didn't want to yell at Brandon, but he was waiting for something that would never happen.

There was a silence, and Ryan knew Brandon gave up fighting with him. Secretly he wish he didn't give up, but would never admit that to anyone. Chris and Ricky both knew Brandon hated the fact that Ryan was so stubborn. It was just his nature, and that part he understood. Brandon also understood that Ryan was really scared. The whole group was scared shitless, so he didn't tease Ryan about not wanting to sleep.

The world had gone to shit, and they watched as some of their best friends die. This caused more fear to dwell in Ryan's body.

"Brandon...?" Ryan called out, he was hearing footsteps, and he instantly got scared.

But there was no answer.

"Brandon, this isn't funny!" Ryan yelled, which actually woke up the whole group.

"What's going-- Ryan, look out!" Ricky yelled, and Ryan moved out of the way so Ricky would be able to get to the biter easier.

Brandon hurried over to comfort Ryan, he could only imagine how terrified he was. Although he was terrified, he just wanted to be left alone.

"Leave me alone, Brandon!" Ryan shouted as he ran into the woods.

"Has Ryan lost his fucking mind?!" Ricky yelled as he ran to grab his flashlight and hunting knife.

"What did you do, Brandon?!" Chris asked, grabbing his shotgun from his and Ricky's tent.

"I didn't do anything, wait-- he did think it was me behind him. We gotta go get him!" Brandon shouted, and Ricky nodded in agreement.

For a couple of minutes, the group grabbed their weapons and ran for the woods in the direction Ryan ran off to. Brandon felt extremely guilty, he wasn't able to comfort him; wasn't good at that.


Ryan kept running, he was just trying to get as far away as possible. He wanted out of the cruel world, that's what he was going to do. Finding a cliff should be easy, right? Ryan asked himself as he came to a complete stop. Realizing that maybe running into the woods wasn't a good idea.

As he turned a corner on what looked like a road, Ryan tripped and fell on down a hill. He could have sworn that that wasn't there a minute ago, but decided to let that argument with himself go since he started screaming. Screaming from the pain, he realized he had broke something in his leg.

He couldn't move it, nor did he try to. He had already been through this before the world was taken over by biters. So he knew he definitely broke something, but luckily for him, Brandon and the group were getting close. Only because his screaming was getting louder.

It worried Brandon, he didn't know if the love of his life was getting bit. He needed to find him soon before the biters got to him.

"Ryan! We're coming, Ryan!" Brandon said as he ran down the hill that Ryan tripped on.

"Brandon! Wait up!" Joni yelled as he ran after him. Ricky and Chris both shined there flashlights in the direction of Brandon and Joni. They soon realized Ryan had stopped himself from screaming, only because of a heard of biters wrre walking past him. For some reason, they couldn't smell humans; they could only hear sound. So Ryan knew not to scream; unfortunately Brandon didn't hear the biters walking.

"Ryan! Ryan I'm here!" Brandon screamed, and Ryan was starting to freak out.

"Brandon! Stop!" Ryan whisper yelled at his boyfriend, but it was too late. A biter snuck up from behind Ryan, and bit into his shoulder.

"Ah! Help!" Ryan screamed bloody murder as the biter ripped through his flesh. Chris and Ricky both ran down the hill to help kill the heard that was now going after Ryan,

They couldn't really blame Ryan for screaming bloody murder, it must have hurt like hell. Brandon pulled out his hunting knife and began to stab biters in the head with it. Only because that was the only way to kill them.

"Ry... baby?!" Brandon called out, and he heard a faint "Over here." So he knew it was Ryan, and he felt so guilty because technically it was his fault Ryan got bit. If he wasn't screaming for Ryan, that wouldn't have happened.

"Oh my god... are you okay?!" Chris screamed as he stabbed the last biter in the forehead, in between the eyes.

"Yeah... other than the fact that I got bit!" Ryan yelled in pain as about Ricky helped him to his feet.

"Let's get him to the camp!" Ricky said, and Chris shook his head.

"Hell no. He got bit, I'm not about to get infected!" Joni said, and Beau nodded in agreement.

"We can't just leave him here!" Brandon said frantically, and both Joni and Beau rolled their eyes.

"Fine, we'll take him back. But if he ends up biting me; I'm coming after you guys!" Beau said, and the group head back to the camp site.

Brandon knew he was going to have to kill Ryan, but at the same time; he couldn't bring himself to do it. He loved Ryan with all his heart and when the apocalypse started, Brandon made a vow. If you die, I die too.

So he knew they were both h going to die tonight.

It was a risk he was willing to take.