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Night Changes

Goin Out Tonight

Promise; a commitment by someone to do or not to do something. They are not meant to be broken.

I let out a loud and over dramatic sigh, Estelle, one of my good friends, laughed at me. Knowing why I was being so.. lethargic? Working at a movie theatre had its fun moments, but not when my partner in crime was missing. He was officially an hour late. Which was weird for Niall, either it was 10 minutes late or his mother, Maura, called in to notify us that he wasn't able to make it in. So say what you want, but I was worried. Sure, I was surrounded by people my age, like Estelle, but nobody ever compared to Niall. He was literally the life of the party.

I checked my phone for what seemed to be the millionth time, but he still hasnt replied to my messages or returned my calls. He's never ignored me to this extent before, and it was worrysome. Our boss, Rick, wasn't too thrilled. He locked himself in his office, but you could tell by the look on his face that he was annoyed.

Just as I was about to call him AGAIN, someone excitingly burst through the doors, tripped over air, and face planted.


I started to laugh uncontrollably as this happened, usually its me who falls over everything. Seeing it happen to Niall made my entire week. I left my station to help the poor boy up. Estelle also cracking up over the scene he just caused.

"KASSI! KASSI! KASSI!" He exclaimed pulling me into a hug, jumping up and down. We were getting stared at but I could care less.

"Well, good morning to you too, honeybuns." I said laughing, still in his embrace.

"Screw the mornings, Kassi! They came to me. They actually came! I've been accepted, sent on oh god Kassi I'm going to wee myself!" He rambled shoving a huge envelope in my face. I grabbed it and inspected the letter.

Holy shit! It was from the X-factor! He had gotten the call back, to perform in front of the judges! In front of THE Simon Cowell.This felt so surreal, I was excited for him! It was his dream to be a musician, to but his feelings into music that people could relate to. He's always wanted to inspire and be a role model, this was his chance!

Well, besides the obvious we have made up scenerios where we both got rich and famous and bought a house together. Not as a couple, because thats weird. But as best friends who couldnt bare the thought of being apart. Ofcourse it was only a dream, but dreams do come true! Like Nialls!

"This is outstanding! Niall! You're going to go all the way, I just know it!" I kissed his cheek and hugged him tight. But our moment was ruined by our boss.

"What the hell, Horan? You dont call, don't show up, not notice? Who do you think you are, boy?" He exclaimed, face turning purple. Reminding me of Vernon Dursley from Harry Potter. Actually, the more I thought about it the more they looked alike. The resemblance between the two was astonishing.

"I am Niall Horan, future dream boat and pop sensation!" He proudly announced, hands on hips and puffing his chest out - acting all high and mighty. I giggled like a fool and looped my arm with his, to show support. But that only angered Rick even more.

"How pathetic, thats just a silly dream boy. Nobody in Mullingar has ever bcome famous, and if it were to happen, it certainly wouldnt be you. Be realistic, boy! You're not going to be anyone! He huffed.

His comment wasnt even aimed at me and I was offened. I gaped at the tool bag. "And you!" He continued, pointing a chubby finger at me. I took a step back, intimidated. "What are you doing from your station?" He asked. He didn't really care, he was just mad. Either way, didn't give him a right to be so cruel. I just shrugged. Confrontation made me uncomfortable.

"Useless." He muttered turning his back to us.

"HEY." Niall boomed. Rick slowly turned, eyebrow raised, challenging Ni to continue.

"I will not sit here and allow you to talk to a lady like that, ESPECIALLY Kassi. We quit." He stated taking my arm and dragging me away. Estelle started a slow clap as we left. It didnt progress from that, but she tried. Tthen it dawned on me what just happened.

"NIALL, STOP." I yelled yanking my arm from him. He looked at me confused. "Ii meed this job. I can't leave it. Sure, you're going on this journey and yes I will support you through it all, but this doesn't mean we can just quit. I need the money to save up for school and a place." I said.

"Kassandra, trust me. I am going to win X-Factor, bocome rich and we will finally be able t do what we've always wanted to do! I'll take care of you." He said looking dead into my eyes. He used my full name, I knew he was being serious. I could tell by looking into his eyes when he was lying and when he wasn't. Plus, when he had his mind set on something, there wasn't any arguing. He always won. And with us both being so stubborn we could argue for hours without budging. I didn't have the energy to argue with him so I wasn't going to go back and fight for my job. Not like I wanted to anyways. I'd only have Estelle.

"Fine." I agreed as we walked home from the theatre. It was only a ten minute walk.

As Niall talked about lord only knows what I let myself get lost in my thoughts. Niall... X-Factor... fame... girls.. What if he lets it all get to his head and he changes, what if he lets the fame corrupt the sweet boy I know and he comes back to me as a Kanye? What if i'm no longer good enough for him? Silly, I know. But the fear was logical. He'll find better, I mean this is if he does win. And I have faith he will. He will forget bout all of us in Mullingar. The thought was unbearable, we were best friends. Nothing will break us.

"Kkassi? Are you even listening to a word I'm saying?" He asked.

I looked at him panicked. He knew I was ignoring him. But it wasn't intentional! "Whats wrong? Why do you look like you have to poo?" He asked, such a charmer he was.

"I was just thinking." I mumbled picking up my pace.

"No, stop. What's wrong? You look like you're about to cry." He said. I took a big sigh and began explaining everything I was worried about. He wouldn't be offended, I've brought this up before, but now its so real. The potential of this happening was real. Plus, I had to tell him. We have no secrets.

He placed his hand under my chin, and forced me to look at him. I tried not to cry, but lets face it, I'm a baby and couldn't hold them in.

"Kass, I could never forget about you, ever! I'll come right back home and we will go on our adventures. We'll be together. forever and always. I promise." His eyes showed honesty, I had nothing to worry about.
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Yay! New story! Comments make my old go round s please tell me what you think!

Yes, I get the beginning is pretty cliché and all but I have massive plans to make this story fantastic. Plus, I've only read a small handful of stories about Niall leaving the main character in the beginning for X Factor, I have plans.

It says Little Lioness on my cover photo because that's my name on Instagram and twitter! The name for both of those are @Littlelioness_ follow me for updates on my stories :)