The Adopted Sister of J-Hoon


I was curled up against a brick wall of my old school. My cell was to my ear, the voices of my brother and Benji telling me to keep breathing.

Thunder crashed.

I couldn't stop the scream.

I dropped my phone again.

I didn't reach to pick it up. But it some how switched to speaker. I could hear the their voices but I didn't answer.

Lighting flashed.

I want it to end.

Make it stop.

Thunder crashed.

Another scream.

Was it from me?

Yes it was.

I screamed for my brother. My safety. "ALEX!"


Five voices echoed around me.

Warm arms wrapped around me. Lifting me. I held on tight.

Thunder crashed.

I snuggled deeper into the person.

A song whispered into my ears. I fell asleep to the song in the warmth of someone's arms.