Knee Socks

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

"My days end best when-" I wake up to my alarm clock again for the fifth time that week. It's not like I was looking forward to having someone there to wake me up this morning, I knew that it wouldn't happen.

My parents owned their own business and were always away on work trips and are never home. I've always wondered why they even had a kid if they weren't going to be there to see it grow up.

Today is the last day of summer and I am not ready to go back to school. Everyone back at my high school hate me because I am rich and they're not. So, I'm bullied every day there, of course my parents don't care about this. I have to deal with all of my problems by myself.

I had put an application into a boarding school that's about five hours from here, but I never heard back from them which means I probably didn't get in. I'll just have to face another year of the shit hole that happens to be my high school.

I get out of bed and head over to my walk in closet to start my day. I pick out a casual outfit to just lounge around the house in. A baggy black sweater and my black over the knee socks that have cat faces on them. I push my obnoxious light brown curls out of my face by putting my hair into a high bun on my head.

I decide to start my day by going to get something to eat in the kitchen. I'll have to make it myself since I gave the workers the week off so I could have the mansion to myself. When I pass by the door to the mansion I see that the mail has come, by the envelopes on the floor under the letterbox.

With a hopeful smile I pick up the white envelopes and search through them to see if any are the one I am looking for. The first one writes,

"Miss Jones,
I hope you are excited for the new semester at London's Public High School. We are excited to have you back. Classes start on August 31 and we suggest that you are ready by then."

I sigh reading the normal letter I get every year from the school. I throw it into the trash can not caring what else it has to say. I look at the next one and can't help but have a smile spread across my face. It's from Styles' Boarding School. This one reads,

"Miss Jones,
We are proud to inform you that you have been excepted into Styles' Boarding School. We can't wait to see your face at the orientation on August 31. You are welcome to come anytime from the 29 till then, but you must be present on the 31. Your classes will start that following day September 1. We hope to see you there.

Headmaster Harry E. Styles."

The smile on my face only grows bigger as I read through the letter. Today was August 29 and I couldn't wait to get to my new boarding school, I can hopefully call home.

I decide to call my mother and tell her the news. Getting out my iPhone 6 and dialing her number.

"Hello, Catherine Jones speaking," my mother answers the phone.

"Hi mom," I reply with a small smile.

"Oh, Arabella, hello sweetie. What do you need?" My mother asks.

"I got into that boarding school I've been talking about," I tell her, happily.

"That's wonderful sweetie! But I have to go your father and I have a meeting in an hour," and just like that my mother hangs up the phone on me.

I knew that she wasn't going to be able to talk for long, but I wish that I could have a little more time to talk to her. I loved my mother despite how much she's away.

I head back up to my bedroom while I call my personal chauffeur, Niall Horan to come and pick me up in an hour. I start to pack all of my favorite outfits into my suitcases. Varieties of skirts, dresses, sweaters and knee socks being put into each.

After I've decided I am done with my packing I change into something a little more presentable. I grab a dark red dress that flows down to just before where my socks start. I pick out a pair of black combat boots to go along with them and head to my bathroom for a quick shower.

After I've showered, gotten dressed and straightened my hair, I head down to the kitchen and get something to eat before my long drive to my new boarding school.

The drive to the school was long. I was so excited to finally be leaving my home town that I couldn't sit still. Niall, my only friend since I was little, thought that the whole thing was funny.

When we finally arrive I can't help, but squeal in happiness. Niall couldn't contain his laughter as I jumped out of the expensive car and practically ran to the back of it to grab one of my suitcases.

"Arabella, why don't you go and get your room number and then I'll take your belongings there." I smile kindly at my Irish friend and decide to do as he says.

After blowing Niall a kiss, I start my journey to the registration office. It was across the campus from the girl's dorm, it was going to be a long walk.

Suddenly a burst of red hair runs past me in a blur, soon followed by another. I turn to see two boys with bright red hair who look almost exactly alike. Twins, I think.

"Hello, kind lady, my name is Fred." The one on the left says, bowing to me.

"And I am George!" The other twin exclaims.

"And we are the Weasley's!" They shout together, earning glares from the other students bustling around them.

I can't help but giggle at their introduction. I have never met anything like them in my lifetime and I was so intrigued by their antics.

"My names, Arabella," I tell them with a smile.

"My days end best when the sunset gets itself," Fred sings.

"Behind that little lady sitting on the passenger side," George sings.

"It's much less picturesque without her catching the light," Fred sings.

"The horizon tries, but it's just not as kind on the eyes," George sings.

"As Arabella, as Arabella," they sing together.

I can't contain my laughter as they serenade me in their own weird way. These twins were definitely nothing I've ever seen in my fourteen years of life.

"Thank you guys, but I should be on my way to the registration's office," I tell the two kindly.

"We'll take you there," they say together, excitedly.

I just nod at the two, not wanting to tell them no. Since they will probably be fun to be around. On our walk to the office the boys wouldn't stop cracking jokes and making hilarious comments.

"Here you are my lady, the registration's office," Fred says, bowing to me again.

"Why thank you kind sir," I say, giving him a small curtesy.

The twins seem happy that I had played along with their antics, they skip away in glee with goofy smiles on their faces. I shake my head at the new friends I've just made and walk up the stairs that lead to the registration's office.

Inside the office looks almost homely, with pictures of kittens playing with yarn placed all around the room and fluffy furniture that makes it look more like a living room then an office.

There's a man behind the counter and I can't help, but think he's attractive. With his feathery brown hair swept into a side swoop, his bright blue eyes much like Niall's and the wonderful smile he gives to me when he sees me. The man can only be one thing and that is attractive.

"Hello, how may I help you, love?" He asks me, flashing those beautiful teeth again.

I return his smile with one of my own. "My names Arabella Jones, I'm new and I would like to know my room number."

"Oh, yes, Arabella, we've been waiting for you," the man says.

He holds up one finger for me to wait as he rummages through the papers all sprawled out on the counter. "Ah! Here it is!" He shouts excitedly, as he found what he was looking for.

He hands me the paper and I see it has my room number, locker number and schedule on it. "I am Professor Tomlinson your history teacher, but please just call me Louis whenever no other adult is around, Professor Tomlinson makes me feel old." He whispers the last part making me giggle.

"Ok Louis, thank you," I tell him, with one last smile as I saunter out of the office and back to where I had left Niall in the parking lot of the girl's dorm. I feel kind of bad when I see him standing there, awkwardly while girl's all around him are staring at him.

I race over to him and he smiles gratefully when he sees me. "I'm sorry! I got caught up with these two boys I met!" I apologize to Niall.

"It's fine, Arabella. Let's just get your things to your dorm room," he says, picking up two of my suitcases. I do the same following him up the steps to the dorm.

The dorm itself was much like the registration's office, homely. It had pictures of kittens hung along the walls just like that of the office. Along with the fluffy furniture that looked a lot like the ones in the office. I was starting to think that whoever headmaster Styles was he must really like kittens.

"What's your room number," Niall asks me, as I stare around the dorm awkwardly.

There were about fifty girls in the dorm lounging around the furniture or on the carpeted floor talking to one another. It made me think that everyone had decided to come to school a day early.

I look down at the sheet of paper Professor Tomlinson had given to me to read my room number. "Room 343," I tell Niall.

"Room 343!" I hear someone shout from behind me.

Soon a blue haired ball of joy is squishing me into a bear hug. Is everyone at this school like this girl and the Weasley twins?

"I'm guessing that you're my roommate," I say, I push her off me kindly.

"Yup, I'm Hayley by the way. Hayley Williams," the blue haired girl says.

Hayley was beautiful, around the same age as me she had blue hair that only went down to about her chin, but it looked amazing on her and she had pretty hazel eyes that I envied.

"I'm Arabella," I tell her with a small smile.

Hayley takes my other suitcases from Niall announcing that she would show me the way to our room and with one last hug to my best friend. I follow my blue haired room mate to our room.

"I was so excited when they said I was going to have a roommate this year! Last year I was stuck by myself! I was so lonely!" Hayley explains as we walk up the long stairwell.

When we arrive at the door that has the number 343 I sigh in relief, wanting to finally put these suitcases down. When Hayley opens the door to our room I can't help but gasp.

"Pretty isn't it?" She asks me and all I can do is nod.

The room wasn't anything like the office or dorm. This was more like a teenagers room. The walls were painted black giving the room an emo feel, just how I liked it. The carpet was a pretty mossy green color that went well with the walls.

The one side of the room looked messy with clothes strewn all over the floor with papers all over the desk. While the other was clean and neat. On the messier side of the room, which I guessed was Hayley's had posters placed all over the wall. Showing varieties of bands.

"It's beautiful," I mutter in awe.

Never would my parents let me have a room like this. My room back home was pure white, nothing resembling black in there at all. They thought that black was the devil's color.

"I think I'm going to like it here," I say, with a big smile on my face.
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First Chappie! :) Tell me what ya think guys! I love seeing comments! Your criticism is also greatly appreciated.