Knee Socks

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

"You murdered them didn't you?" This was just one of the many accusation that were thrown on me when the school had gotten the news of the second murder.

It was hard having people think that I was the murderer. Every student in the school believed this was true. I didn't understand why they would though. The police didn't even think I was a suspect. I had been so shaken up over the whole affair that it sounded stupid if I was the murderer.

Every single time they accuse me of this all I want to do is cry, but I know that would only make them satisfied and I wouldn't give them that.

It was my first day back in classes and now sitting in my English class I just wanted to die with all of the eyes that were on me. Fred and George were glaring at anyone who dared to try and say anything though.

That was the only good thing about this situation my friends stood up for me. The twins have threatened to put sink bombs inside the accusers dorm rooms, but I told them I didn't want them getting in trouble for me.

"It's alright, Ar. I don't understand why these people think you are capable of murder," Fred tells me.

I give him a small smile. That's all I can do lately. Suddenly a voice comes over the intercom and I recognize it as Harry's.

"Hello students, everyone should report back to their dorm rooms at this moment. The school is being closed for the time being," he says, his voice echoing through the halls.

There is a small silence over the intercom then Harry says, "Arabella Jones I would like to see you in my office."

I sigh knowing exactly why he wanted me to come to his office. If the school was closing that meant going to stay with him in his house. "I'll see you guys later," I tell them as we part ways at the end of the hall.

When I get to Harry's office, I knock on the door like always and after hearing his gruff, "Come in." I open the door and step into the room.

"Hey babe," Harry greets when he sees who his visitor is.

I silently take a seat in the chair in front of Harry's desk, smoothing out my black skirt. "Hi Harry."

Harry's mouth turns up into a smile. "I really wish you would call me daddy," he mutters earning him a glare.

"No way," I tell him simply and that's the end of that subject.

"Fine, but I'm guessing you know why I called you here?" Harry asks with an eyebrow raised.

I give him a small nod. "Yeah you wanted to talk to me about going to your house," I tell him.

Harry smirks at this. "Yes, I wanted to set some rules," he says.

Why did I have my hunches that these rules he was setting I wasn't going to like very much? Right, because Harry's true nature is a perverted asshole.

"First rule, you will be sleeping in the same bed as me though your whole stay no exceptions," Harry tells me.

I nod in understanding of the first rule. That one wasn't that bad after all.

"Second rule," Harry continues. "Is that you have to do everything I tell you to do without complaining." There was a smirk spread across Harry's face and I knew then exactly what he was getting at with that rule.

"Third rule, you will wear clothes that I have bought you and nothing else," Harry says and I roll my eyes at the perverted look on his face.

"And the fourth and final rule," Harry says, continuing again. He leans forward in his desk chair so that his face is mere inches from my own. "You will call me daddy."

"No! I refuse!" I exclaim, giving the man a glare.

Harry shrugs, leaning back into his chair. "Then I guess you'd like to go home then," Harry states.

I sigh. I knew staying with him peacefully wasn't going to be an options since he is a perverted asshole in the end. After all calling him a stupid name isn't as bad as going home to the empty mansion, "Fine, I'll call you that stupid name," I mutter angrily.

Harry looks satisfied at my agreement. "Alright then it's settle, we will be leaving for my mansion at 6:00 tonight," he tells me in dismissal.

I nod in agreement. I stand up to walk out of the office turning my back to him when I hear his voice again. "Where is my goodbye kiss?" I can hear the pout in his voice and I can't help but smile at that.

These are the times when I feel like I could actually really like the man. I turn around and rush over to the much older man's side. I give him a goodbye kiss on the cheek.

"I'll see ya later," I tell him.

"I'll see ya later, who?" He asks me with an eyebrow raised.

I roll my eyes. Of course he has to ruin the perfect moment. "I'll see ya later...daddy," I say the word hesitantly. It actually didn't sound as bad as I thought it was going to.

"I'll see ya later, baby girl," Harry says, he gives me a quick peck of his own, before he rushes me out of his office.

"Now get the hell out of my office," he says jokingly as I leave.

I rush back to my dorm room to pack for Harry's. I still haven't told my friends that I was going to stay with him while the school is closed. I'm afraid what they will say about it.

They don't like the relationship that I currently have with the headmaster and I feel like they wouldn't be too happy with the news that I am staying with him for a while.

"What did the headmaster want?" Hayley asks when I arrive at our dorm room.

I look down at the green floor of our dorm room and start fiddling with my fingers. "Um, he wanted to talk to me about staying at his house while the school is closed," I say quietly not having the courage to look Hayley in the face.

Hayley sighs. "Ar, you need to break it off with that man he's not good for you," she says.

I finally look up into her eyes. "I can't, Hayley," I tell her.

Hayley stands up from where she was sitting on her bed doing her homework. "And why not?" She asks with her eyebrows raised.

I didn't know how to answer her question. I didn't even know for myself why I couldn't break it off with the older man. He was such an asshole most of the time, but those other times when he's sweet and the most kindest man in the world are the reason I am starting to really like the man.

"I don't know," I say, truthfully.

Hayley doesn't seem satisfied with my answer. "Well tell me this," she says stepping closer to me before continuing. "If he wants to have sex with you would let him?"

He question makes me uncomfortable, but to be completely honest I knew the answer to it right away. "Yes," I whisper my eyes trailing to the floor not being able to look Hayley in the eyes while saying it.

Hayley sighs. "Alright then I guess I can't stop you," she says in defeat.

I smile in triumph. My best friend was finally okay with the odd relationship I had with Harry. "But," Hayley continues and I frown thinking this wasn't going to be good news. "If he hurts you, if he breaks your heart in any possible way. I will kill him," the look in Hayley's eyes as she says this makes me know that she was being completely serious.

I'm kind of scared for Harry now, but what the hell the man should be able to take care of himself he is 34 after all. I'm sure a 14 year old wouldn't be able to kill him. I hope not at least.
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Here's chapter 6! I hope you like it!