Status: Currently chewing gum and wearing a red sparkly beanie.

Writer in Progress

An original cliche written by an original Shay

1. She/He is a Disney movie!
Definition: Amazing, jaw-dropping, may make you cry, the absolute best, wonderful etc.

2. Type like the wind blogger!
Definition: A motivational phrase bloggers use when they need to hurriedly update their blog.

3. You're the Shay to my Lilly
Definition: Soul-mate, significant other, best friend, sister etc. To be very close.

4. Ew, their an android....
Definition: Not as good, low quality, unbecoming.

5. He's such a Hans.
Definition: Backstabbing, no good, sly, unworthy.

6. Don't give me that sassy fetus Louis Tomlinson attitude!
Definition: To be saucy, or over-dramatic.

7. Smile like you're Taylor Swift receiving yet another Grammy.
Definition: Smile without holding back

8. She looks like a book, but is actually a kindle.
Definition: She seems awesome, but is in fact a fake impostor.

9. Causes me to sputter like a Ford engine!
Definition: Scrambling for words, dying on the inside

10. If only this were fictional
Definition: Wishing your life was a book/movie that you could put down/pause