A Gem In The Rough

The Beginning

January 2002:
Age 11:
Jade sat with his sister, Zoe, in a park. They were sat together on the swings, both with identical tears dripping down their faces. They had just received the news. The news that their parents were never coming back.
"Killed in a car crash", they said.
"It was nobodies fault", they said.
Somehow, the pair didn't believe them. The pair were only 11 and 7.
Zoe was the youngest, at 7. Jade was the eldest, at 11. back then, they looked incredibly similar, only Jade had short hair, which was a natural blond-brown. Zoe had very long hair, a beautiful chocolate colour which was shining in the moonlight.
In one singular moment, their lives had been transformed. In a single moment, they had been changed, and not for the better.

June 2002:
Age 12:
Jade had only recently started to get over the death of his Mother and Father, and was living in semi-peace with his Nan.
But today was different. He had gotten a girlfriend! He was so proud of himself, proud for achieving this feat. Mind you, he'd only done it because Spencer, his best friend since Kindergarten had gotten a boyfriend. Spencer was grinning at him as Jade had come out of class that day for break.
"What?" Jade had asked suspiciously, recognising the look on her face.
"I got a boyfriend." Spencer had told him, a grin lighting her chubby, childish face.
"Who?" Jade asked, confused. Who would want a girlfriend now? Nothing against Spencer, but... didn't girls have cooties?
"Jimmy." Spencer pointed to the ginger haired boy, attempting, and failing, to play baseball with the other kids.
"Him?" Jade burst out laughing. "I could get a girlfriend better than him before the end of school. And kiss her."
Spencer glared at him, holding his gaze and puffing up angrily. "Go on then. I bet you can't!"
In an almost automatic response, Jade rummaged in his pockets, before stopping. "A dollar bet."
Spencer laughed. "More than that! This bet is worth so much more."
Jade glared at her angrily. "Fine then, 5 dollars."
"That's better..." snickered Spence.
Jade gave a last sneer before heading off to talk to some girls.
In fact, he managed to make Spencer pay up before the end of lunch. All the girls liked him, as he was kind, sweet and very pretty for a boy of that age. So it was easy to find one to become his girlfriend and kiss him.
They became a steady couple. But, after the first time they kissed properly, Jade realised he didn't have feelings for her. They had become the 'it' couple. But now they were breaking up. Because Jade didn't like her. He liked someone else. And that would remain a secret.

July 2003:
Age 13:
"Come on! You must like someone!" Spence yelled, holding the little diary Jade had kept since the January of last year.
"No Spence, I don't." Jade made another leap for the book, failing miserably. Spencer had recently shot up, leaving Jade trailing. He was currently only 5'4", whereas Spencer was now a gangly 5'8". And she just kept on growing. The four inches made a difference. Jade couldn't reach, as Spencer's tall frame and long arms meant she kept the book well out of reach.
"Then why are you so desperate for me not to read this?" Spencer asked, grinning mischievously. Jade looked panic stricken. A look of realisation crossed Spencer's face. "It has the reason why you and Michelle broke up!" Jade's eyes widened in horror and he made another jump for the book. Spencer gasped again. "It does!"
"Yes okay then, it does. Now put the book down!" Jade made a final leap for the book.
Spencer smiled and complied, but Jade knew her better. He immediately snatched up the book and wandered round the room.
“Don’t look.” He told her as Jade looked for somewhere to put the book. Finally he settled for the place: in a pile of dirty washing. Spencer would never go in there.
“So… Why did you break up with Michelle? Was she a bad kisser?” Jade’s face remained blank. “Umm… She cheated on you?” Still, Jade’s face remained blank. “You liked someone else?” The faintest blush rose to Jade’s cheeks. “You liked someone else… Cool. Who?”
Jade remained silent, crossing over to his desk where a drawing pad sat. He picked up a pencil and started to draw little doodles and Spencer pressed him.
“Come one, who is it? Lauren?” Jade remained silent. “Okay then… Jasmine?” Jade remained silent still. “Cody, Alex, Sharon?” Jade let out a bark of laughter.
“Sharon? That ugly pig? I wouldn’t like her if my life depended on it!”
Spencer sighed. She was getting nowhere. Jade had begun to draw musical notes now, beginning to put notes on curled staves. Then, when he could resist it no longer, he picked up his clarinet and played. Spencer sat in admiration. When he finished he turned back to Spencer and smiled.
“How was that?”
“That was beautiful. But don’t change the subject!” Spencer huffed, noticing that Jade wasn’t going red after that compliment. Usually he went red after every compliment, no matter how small, and then muttered about how bad he was. “Hey, how come you aren’t red?”
“Because I knew that was good!” Jade told her, before hopping out the room.
“Where are you going?”
“The toilet!” Jade called back to Spencer.
When he came back, he saw Spencer sat on the bed, eyes wide open, holding the book.
“You like Jake?” she whispered.

March 2004:
Age 14:
Jade sat alone on the school yard. He regretted ever bringing his diary into school. It had just caused trouble. And now… well, he was an outcast because of what was in it. That solitary piece of information had taken out of his best guy friends away from him.
“Hey fag!” some of the boys jeered, adding to Jade’s misery. Jade looked up hopefully as Jake walked past him. But Jade was ignored.
“Jake! Jake! Jake!” Jade ran up to Jake.
“What you fag?” Jake hissed.
Jade stared at the floor, and shuffled his feet. “I’m sorry.”
That was when Jake laid into him, punching as hard as he could. And all Jade did was curl up in a ball. He was defenceless. Jake was now one of the lead boys of the Junior School Football team. He was stronger than Jade, had more friends than Jade and more talent than Jade. Jade would never be as good as Jake. Plus, Jade thought regretfully, a wry smile twisting his face, Jake was straight.

September 2005:
Age 15:
Jade’s first day of school. He was terrified. What if nobody accepted him? That’s when he saw an older boy kiss another boy. Jade knew he wasn’t alone now.
“What you looking at?” the boy hissed.
“I’m sorry, but if you don’t want anyone to look, don’t display it!”
“You got a problem with me?”
“No, you seem nice.” Jade told the boy. The boy blinked in surprise before holding out a hand.
“I’m Brendon. This is my boyfriend, Matt.”
“Nice to meet you guys. I’m Jade. I don’t have a boyfriend.”
Brendon and Matt exchanged looks. “So…” Brendon started conversationally.
“You’re gay?” finished Matt. Jade nodded.
“Cute.” Brendon smiled. “The first one of the year. Trust me Jade, by the end of this year, practically the whole of your year will be gay.” Jade nodded, secretly hoping he’d find a guy.

May 2008:
Age 17:
The first day back at school after the end of the vacation. Jade stood in front of a mirror for the thousandth time that morning, and smiled. His hair was now officially perfect, his eyes beautifully rimmed in black eyeliner and his clothes just hung off his slender body, like they always did. He tightened his belt once more, with his music note belt buckle, and ran his hands over his tight black jeans to straighten them out. His top was Panic At The Disco, black and purple, and his hoodie was H&M. He picked up his green iPod and put on some music: Vivaldi's Four Seasons. Finally, he picked up his All star Converse shoulder bag and ran downstairs, grabbing a piece of toast off the kitchen counter. "Thanks Nan!" he called, before running out to his car, a banged up old Ford. However, before he could pull out the drive, he realised he'd forgotten his Clarinet. He opened the car door and ran back into the house, car still running. He quickly located his Clarinet, a Selmer which gave a beautiful sound. Finally, he leapt back into his car and was on his way to school.
“Hey Brendon!” Jade greeted, getting out the car, as Brendon walked over.
“Hey Jade! How wasted were we Saturday night?”
Jade laughed. “We were pretty wasted. Did we get together again?”
Brendon grinned. “Are you doubting it?” This was a fair point. Every time the pair got drunk together, they ended up fooling around.
Jade smiled. “I guess not.”
“Mind you, did you see Amrit?” Jade stopped and stared in confusion.
“See Amrit what?”
“He was just getting on with everyone! So much for good little Muslim boy…” They had walked over to a park bench and sat down, Brendon leaning on Jade.
Jade let out a nervous laugh. “Yeah…”
Brendon turned to Jade in shock. “So you’re the one that corrupted him!”
Jade blushed heavily, and Brendon pouted. “I wanted to be the corrupter!”
Amrit flounced on over, staring from one to the other. “What?”
Amrit was tall, quite skinny and had glasses and hair that went curly in the rain. And was a super-hot kisser. Jade knew that quite well.
“Nothing!” Jade replied going tomato red.
“You’re talking about me being a slut the other night aren’t you? I was pretty drunk…”
“We noticed!” Brendon chirruped.
And that’s when trouble came. Spencer crying. That meant big trouble…
♠ ♠ ♠
This came to me after being suspended from neopets... As you can see, Jade is a slut. xD And I love him, quite frankly.
Comments make me post faster ;)
So... next one hopefully out before the end of wednesdayyyy...