Status: idek theres a lot man

We Will Never Be the Same

I Need To Know

Vic ~

Kellin was just barely starting to show, and I was ecstatic. I didn’t know why, but I really liked the idea of him getting bigger. Maybe because then we knew that the baby was healthy.
“What’s got you so happy?” his mom asked, noticing the little grin on his face. “I’m starting to show,” He really was adorable.
“Oh really?” He nodded happily and lifted his shirt up, revealing the tiniest little bulge between his hips.

“That’s nice Kell,” I laughed lightly and then smiled at Kellin. He had been just as excited, if not more, that there was finally physical proof.
Dr. Marina had met with him a few days ago for his second prenatal visit, looking pleased too. She had measured him, although there wasn’t much to measure.
He was only 12 and a half weeks pregnant, and he had started showing later, so there wasn’t a whole lot there. She had even rescheduled his ultrasound for another week to be sure.
“Come here,” He willingly came up to me, giggling as I leant down to kiss his stomach.
“You can stop teasing me now,” I said and held him loosely. He liked to make fun whenever I kissed his tummy, just because his it had still been flat.
Now however, there was something for me to kiss.
I didn’t even know why I liked doing it, but it made Kellin smile, and it kind of my way of letting the baby know I loved them. “I just wanna know what it is,” he said, still smiling.
I nodded my agreement. I wasn’t entirely sure what my reasoning was, but I really wanted a girl.
Besides, there were lots of boys in my family, we needed a girl to change things up a bit.
“One more week,” I said and kissed his jaw. “Mhm, I can't wait,” I smiled at him and rested my face against his shoulder. “When should we start the baby’s room?” Kellin asked and looked at his mom.
“Um, anytime, I guess. I mean, I can get you some things, but you two are gonna have to pay for stuff,”
Kellin nodded and sighed. I had been looking for a job lately, having no luck.
“You still have plenty of time,” Kellin smiled and leant back against my chest again, slowly spinning his ring around his finger. We had told my parents a few weeks ago, and surprisingly, they were all for it.
I smiled at the thought and rested my hands on Kellin's stomach. I could feel the little bump there, making my smile widen. His stomach growled then, his mom laughing. “Haven’t you been feeding that baby?” she teased him. He stuck his tongue out at her.
Luckily, he hadn’t been throwing up as much, so he had been eating more. That was probably one of the reasons that he was starting to show now.
He had also started getting cravings; mostly for sweet things. His mom had taken to making him ‘healthy’ desserts, although a lot of them tasted like shit.
“Guess you had better make something then,” I said and kissed his cheek. “Can you make pancakes for me please?” he asked sweetly.
I laughed and nodded. He had asked for them every day, mostly because he liked the syrup and it was one of the few things his mom would let him have.
She was controlling most of his eating habits, because he usually pouted at me and made puppy eyes, and I always gave in. I couldn’t tell him no.
He came up behind me as I was making them and wrapped his arms around my waist. “Thank you,” he said softly. “For what?” I honestly didn’t mind making breakfast for him.
“For always cooking for me. You don’t have to, but you always do,”
I smiled and leant back against him. “Well I kinda like you,” He laughed, his eyes crinkling adorably. “I kinda like you too,” he said and kissed my lips. ~

“Hi Kellin,” Dr. Marina said and smiled at him. He smiled back, already sitting on the bench.
He was smiling a lot lately, and I loved it. He was just a generally happy person, and his mood made other people happy. I adored him.
“How are you feeling?” she asked and went to put her gloves on. “Okay. My hormones are insane though,”
That was true. He was always hungry, and sometimes he would randomly start crying over the stupidest things. He had started crying yesterday because he had finished the milk before I had any cereal.
“Well, I have a lot of mood swings, and I’m always hungry, and…I’m kind of horny, all the time,”
She laughed lightly as he blushed. “All of those are normal,” Dr. Marina said. “And I think Vic can take care of that last one for you,”
I blushed too and looked away. I wasn’t opposed to having sex again, despite what I had said before. Kellin looked incredible, and I to be honest, the horny thing was starting to rub off on me.
Dr. Marina started checking all of his vitals, and then asked him to stand up. “Can you hold your arms up for me?” she asked and pulled the tape measure from around her neck.
Kellin held his arms up for her, letting her measure his stomach.
There still wasn’t a whole lot there, but he was starting to show a little more.
“Okay, and do you have any questions for me before I take you back?” Kellin bit his lip, blushing again.
“Do we need to use condoms?” Kellin asked. “No, not if it’s just the two of you, and Vic is clean,”
I blushed harder and nodded. I had only slept with one other person, and they had been a virgin at the time. “Well then, no you don’t. Was that your only question?”
Kellin nodded. “I think so,”
“Okay, well then let me show you back to the room,” she said and started leading us down the hall.
She opened the door to another room with a machine on one side and a long, chair beside it.
I sat down beside Kellin as he situated himself into it. “I’ll be right back,” she said and left us in the room. Kellin looked at me, a smile on his lips.
“Finally,” he said softly. “Mhm,” I kissed him once, sliding my hand into his. I smiled, feeling the ring on his finger.
“Hi, I’m Dr. Montoya,” A woman said, followed by Kellin's doctor. “Hi,” She sat down in the other chair while Dr. Marina leant back against the wall, holding a tray.
“If you could just pull your shirt up for me,” Kellin did as she asked and moved his shirt just below his ribs.
“This will be cold,” she said and poured a line of clear gel across his stomach. He jumped, making her chuckle quietly. “I warned you,”
She picked up the transducer, sliding it across his stomach slowly and spreading the gel around.
“Ah…there,” An image appeared on the screen, along with the tiny sound of it’s heart beating. I melted, seeing the baby on the screen.
“Vic,” Kellin said and looked at me happily. I nodded, grinning. The woman started measuring the baby, and then staring at the screen and writing a few things down.
She measured some more, and then looked at the two of us. “Dr. Marina will take another blood sample then, but I can offer you another screening. It’s to check for Down’s syndrome, although there’s a small risk for miscarriage.”
Kellin shook his head quickly. “No thank you,” She nodded and then smiled.
“Can we know the baby’s gender?” Kellin asked. “Not yet. Boy or girl, this early in the pregnancy, babies look very similar. But, if you would like to know, another ultrasound can be scheduled in a couple of weeks,”
Kellin's nose wrinkled a little. “Usually the ultrasound is scheduled a bit later, but since you’re a different case, we needed to make sure that the baby was developing normally and to do the combined screening. Another ultrasound can be set up to view the baby again, and tell the sex of your baby if you’d like,”
Kellin nodded. “Alright then,” She moved to wipe the gel off of his stomach, and then pulled his shirt down.
“If you could follow me now,” Dr. Marina said. He got up, pulling me along with him.
Kellin sat down on the bench again, cringing as she tied the tourniquet around his arm.
He stared at the floor the entire time, wincing as she pressed the needle into his skin. “Alright,” she said. “If you don’t have any more questions, then you’re free to go,” ~
♠ ♠ ♠

title- "A Trophy Father's Trophy Son" Sleeping With Sirens