Never in love

Love means facing your biggest Fears

I am going to confront him. I have to. I must. I love him. I am going to confront him. Rhi wasn’t coming to school today she was really sick, so today my only two things I have to do are ask about Milo about his friend called Jake, and yes you guessed it confront him and tell him I liked him, if I said love I think I would freak him out. I was just about to shut my locker when I felt someone leaning over me, I turned around quickly only to be pushed closer to my locker by the guy who was behind me, and yes of course it was Milo.
“Hello Miss.” He was still pressed against me and I was pressed against the locker so I had no choice but to stay still.
“Hi” Shit I’m think I’m blushing.
“How are you today?” He had this quirky smile that melted my heart.
“Why are you stuttering?” He tilted his head to the side.
“I have a lot of things to get done.” I said it so quick he couldn’t have made it out.
“And does any of those things have to do with me, because I have one thing I have to do and you have got something to do with it, so I thought we may as well get it over and done with, together.”
“Ummmm, yea”
“You first.”
I wasn’t going to confess here. “So Rhi met this guy at the party….”
“Jake, yea what about him?”
“How do you know?”
“He talked about her a lot”
“Oh yea she well wants to hook up with him”
“Okay sure gimme her number and I’ll give it to him.” I wrote it down fast on his arm. Wow he had hot arms.
‘Stop it’ I thought to myself.
“Thanks Sarah” He looked at the number to make sure it wasn’t a fake then pulled his sleeve down.
“Umm, no problem” I looked at my feet and then when I looked up again he was right there, in front of me, so close, the urge to kiss him grew stronger and stronger.
“So what’s the other thing?” He was whispering again like the first time we kissed, I could smell his breath and it was melting my heart, everything was!
“Umm the other thing was well…”
“I love you Sarah” and that was it I lost it, I lost all grip of life, I fell into his arms, and he caught me, he loved me, like I loved him.
“I love you too Milo.” And we kissed, my hands ran up his neck and into his hair I was grabbing it. His hands ran down my back pulling me closer and closer. We stood there in the hallway kissing, not letting go not pulling back.
“Stay with me Sarah never leave me” he was speaking as we were kissing.
“I will never leave you if you never leave me.” And then he broke off, my heart skipped a beat was he seriously dumb me off now?!
“Why would I ever?” I lent forward and kissed him again,
“Maybe you were lying.”
“I would never, not to you”

I fell in love, with a messy, cocky, really just a complete idiot of a boy. But he was my idiot and I new that. He was my cute gorgeous playful idiot and I loved him. I fell in love with my idiot. I don’t know how, its love so I can just say it was love that made me fall for him, and when well the first time I looked at him, the first time I talked to him, and every point from then on I fell more and more in love with this boy. This boy was my life, he was that little dark cold empty place that needed him to make me whole and he was the boy I couldn’t resist. Every fight or argument about the fact that love doesn’t exist I had won them all only to find out later that I was fighting on the wrong side. Love exists, it exists everywhere. Love is the most powerful thing in this world. The chemistry between us could kill the entire human race, love found me, stoped me dead in my tracks, made me not able to breathe, made me week in the knees, love conquers all. And well for fairytales, I have this last thought for you:
Cinderella walked on broken glass, Sleeping Beauty let her whole lifetimes pass, Bella fell in love with a hideous beast, Jasmine married a common thief, Ariel walked on land for love and for life, Snow White barely escaped a knife. It was all about blood sweat and tears because LOVE, means facing your biggest fears.
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kay i think this is a little short but yea... hope you enjoy.. =]]