Life as a Muggle

Life as a Muggle Part Six-Dreams Do Come True.

So Narcissa do you like your bedroom now that it’s pink?” Severus asked. Yeah it’s lovely, I really like it” You said. Wonderful” Severus said. You said you wanted a dog, a Chihuahua, well I’ve decided to get you one. You mean it?” You asked excitedly. Well only if you want one” Severus said. Of course I want one, when can I get one?” You asked jumping up and down. Relax Narcissa; I’ll get you one today if you really want one. I want one today, I want one today” You said. Okay well, we can get one today, why don’t you watch Television so long while I make sure the house is puppy proof. You sat down and started watching TV.

It was evening” Severus I’m not going to get a dog today am I” You said sadly. Well it’s a bit late to go now, maybe we can get one tomorrow” Severus said kindly. Okay” You said sadly.

Here we are Narcissa, Tuna Casserole” Severus said handing you your plate. Thanks Severus, it looks delicious” You said. Soon enough you finished your meal. Oh you’re done,” Severus said looking at your plate. I have a surprise for you Narcissa. You do!” You said excited at the prospect of getting a new pet. Yes let me get it. You waited patiently for your present wandering what it was. Eventually Severus came back into the dining room,” Here we are” Severus said walking into the dinging room and putting a small box onto the table. You stared at the box in wonder. What could be in it? The box was made of brown cardboard and it had small holes in it, it wasn’t even wrapped in pretty paper, typical of a man. Can I open it?” You asked Severus. Well it is your present. Oh okay,” You said and started to open it. You opened the lid cautiously and to your surprise a tiny puppy was in it!

Ah Severus it’s adorable, thank you so, so much” You said running to Severus and hugging him. I’m glad you like it” Severus said embarrassed that you were giving him so much attention. Severus it’s wonderful, is it a girl or a boy? Take a closer look at it” Severus said. You looked at the puppy. She was a very light brown and she had a pink sweater on. It’s a girl, and you put a pink sweater on her, thank you so much Severus” You said and hugged him again. Er Narcissa, I think your puppy wants some attention” Severus said trying to shake you off him. Severus, I was thanking you and you’re trying to stop me, you said it is good to thank people when they give you presents” You said scolding Severus. Well, I... You turned to your puppy and picked her up and looked at her. I’m going to name her Angel” You said. Okay” Severus said. Can she sleep in my bedroom?” You asked excitedly. I suppose so” Severus said reluctantly. Thank you Severus” You said, and picked up your puppy and kissed Severus on the cheek and climbed up the stairs and went to bed. As soon as you left Severus touched the spot on his cheek as though he was in shock.

You will sleep on my bed Angel, I know it’s not soft but Sevie works very hard so you must appreciate it” You said to Angel as you put her on your bed. Little did you know Severus was listening at your door as you spoke to Angel. You turned off your light and snuggled into your blankets.

Hi Severus,” You said walking into the kitchen. Hello Narcissa. Can Angel get a leash because I would like to walk her? Sure Narcissa. But the leash must be pink; can we get Royal Canin dog food?” You asked. That’s the most expensive brand Narcissa” But I thought you got a promotion. I did but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t spend my money on everything and anything. Oh” You said sadly. But can I get a pink leash for Angel?” You asked. We’ll see Narcissa. I got some dog food Narcissa. Okay” You said. You sat down and started to make your cereal feeling happy but at the same time sad because Severus wasn’t your boyfriend. You sat down and started eating you cereal while looking very sad. What’s wrong Narcissa?” Severus asked concerned. Nothing Severus, just PMS” You lied pretending it was your periods when you when you actually sad that Severus wasn’t your boyfriend. Oh okay” Severus said. I’ll see you after work Narcissa, Angel’s food is in the cupboard” Severus said leaving to work. You went to your bedroom and started moping. Woof, woof” Angel barked. Oh hello Angel do you want to play with me?” You asked and lifted Angel up and started playing with her.

You went down to the dining room wandering what you were going to eat. Hi Severus" You said sadly. Hello Narcissa, I got some pizza for us. Ohh yum” You said. You and Severus sat down and started eating while you munched on your pizza quietly. Severus was looking at you. Narcissa I know something’s wrong and it’s not just PMS, so tell me” Severus said. I will not!” You said getting up from the table. Please tell me Narcissa” Severus said getting up from the table as well. NO! Tell me” Severus said. NO! Tell me Narcissa, remember I am looking after you and if I decide to get rid of you where will you go?” Severus asked. Fine I’ll tell you” You said defeated. Well what is it?" Severus asked you. I, I love you Severus” You said bluntly. You do?” Severus asked shocked. Yes I do, I’ve loved you for a long time. Oh, well why didn’t you tell me?” Severus asked. You looked at Severus. Because I know you like me but if I told you I liked you, you would deny ever liking me” You said nearly shouting. You walked up the stairs but Severus grabbed your arm. What is it Severus, going to laugh at me? No Narcissa, I, I love you to; I just didn’t think you would like a greasy haired bat like me. Severus you’re not a greasy haired bat" You said shocked that Severus had called himself that. Well where does this leave us?” You asked Severus. I don’t know do you want to be my girlfriend?” Severus asked you carefully. Of course I do Severus” You said and hugged Severus. Really, you want to be my girlfriend?” Severus asked shocked. Yes I do Severus; I really want to be your girlfriend” You said excitedly. Okay well then I guess we’re going to be classified as girlfriend and boyfriend” Severus said smiling. Yes we are. Severus can we, well can we kiss?” You asked. Er, well if you want to” Severus said nervously. You’ve never kissed a girl before have you?” You said grinning. No” Severus said embarrassed. Well would you like your first kiss to be me?” You asked kindly. Yeah I do” Severus said. But do you want me to kiss you?" Severus asked cautiously. Yes Severus I do!" You said eagerly. Alright then I guess we can kiss then" Severus said extremely nervously. You stood on your tiptoes and kissed Severus gently. Severus didn’t do anything at first but soon started kissing you and before you knew it you were French kissing. Let go of my daughter this instant Snape!
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This is a Harry Potter love story but set in Harry's parents teenage years.