
Chapter 1

The recluse rested his head upon the soft, yet firm sand on the cool and peaceful beach. Not a soul was nearby to bother him, as far as he knew. His eyes felt heavy, and he eventually rested them and breathed soothingly in sync with the waves gently falling and reaching the shore. Everything was bliss for him at that moment. For the first time in a long while, he felt serene.

The man for the past few weeks worked at a industrial company that constructed the most advanced machinery. From electronic handhelds to complex space craft. It was not an easy job for him whatsoever. He labored with so much will and strength. But it was finally his week off. He was absolutely glad and relieved. As he lied there, he could hear the cawing from a few seagulls investigating the beach for any food or remains.

Suddenly, the seagulls fled in a hurry (in fear?). The man lifted himself up with his elbows and squinted to concentrate on the creatures. Something did not seem right to him. He felt eerie at that moment. He raised himself from the sand and walked around to find nothing at all that could explain why the seagulls could have evaded with such determination. But suddenly, he saw it. He blinked hard a few times to make sure it was not a dream or that he was simply seeing things. An unidentified object was above the ocean; soaring by explainable means.

It did not move, it maintained its latitude from the surface of the ocean. The man’s eyes grew wider and wider, and his jaw dropped in astonishment and in fear. He stood there struck with wonder and discomfort of the huge machine’s presence. The unknown object produced a neon green beam from below and lifted a large portion of water from the ocean. The man became terrified. He ran as fast as he could from it, but it persistently followed him without difficulty.

The man found a cave, a cave he had never seen before when he vacationed there. He sprinted into the entrance and rested there in the cold darkness. The frightened man panted from all of the effort he made from escaping, but he did all that he could to keep silent, in hopes of not exposing himself. He later heard odd and unusual noises from outside; assuming it was from the aircraft. Whatever the U.F.O was, he knew it could not have been created or wielded by human hands.
Suddenly, a loud and excruciating noise took place beside the cave. The man winced and covered his ears in agony. It then abruptly stopped.

Thirty seconds later, the man swore that he could hear footsteps within the entrance of the cave. The footsteps did not sound normal to him, they sounded so foreign and eerie. The steps grew louder and louder, and the man covered his mouth as best as he could and closed his eyes, afraid of what he might see. He thought that if he might see it, that it (or they) might go away. He hoped and prayed that this was all a dream, a cruel and sinister dream. He peaked behind the rock he was hiding from and spotted two silhouetted figures. They hardly looked human at all. He abruptly brought his head back behind the cold hard rock.

One of them crouched and faced the earth (to smell the ground?) as the other slowly crept forward towards the rock that the man was hiding behind. His heart thudded with such force that he feared it was loud enough for the unknown things to hear. The movement from the figures seized. Everything became silent. The man couldn’t go anywhere but deeper into the cave if he had the means to. If they came any closer… He could only run away and only hope they did not have a way of seeing in the darkness.

His idea thankfuly ended when he then heard the strange footsteps trailing away from him. Each step decreasing in sound, He sighed with such relief. He slowly peeked from the edge of the rock to examine if they were close, and he was in luck to find that they were not. The sprinted out of the cave with a rush of adrenaline; fearing that the creatures could still be nearby lurking the area. He ran as fast as he could to his home.

(Continuing soon)