Bulletproof Love

Will i ever be enough?

Vic's POV
I walk down these dreadful hallways everyday, just so I can be shoved into a locker. Not only am I physical abused but I'm emotion abused. I have no escape, my home life is no better. But at least I have one friend! She's the only one that knows I'm gay and understands me. i rush into the classroom and sit down. "fucking faggot!" i hear some asshole yell across the room. a few kids snicker. the teacher stands up and starts the lesson.

*time laps lunch*

i walk into the cafeteria and sit at an empty table. jeremy and his friends walk over to me."sup ass licker!" jeremy yells and plops down across from me. "can't you just leave me alone." i whisper quietly, staring down at my plate of food. "are you talking back?!" he yells in my face. "n-no.' i stutter. he grabs me and drags me out of the cafeteria, and into the hallway. "your gonna get it now!" he yells. his two friends hold me back against the lockers, and he punches me in my stomach, i groan in pain. he punches me in the face repeatedly. his friends drops me, and i fall to the ground. he starts kicking my ribs and stomach. i'm silently crying, hoping he will just kill me. "you're fucking worthless." jeremy says angrily. he and his friends walk away, back into the cafeteria. i curl up in a ball and sob, i slowly pick myself up and drag myself down the halls. i hope i can make it home. I usually have my friend ally here, to walk me back, but shes sick today. Finally i get to the school doors, and i push them open with all my strength. I limp out the of the school, and across the street. the worst part is that my own brother hangs with jeremy and his friends, so that means ill be harassed once again. i sigh and start walking towards my house. i open the door and walk inside, i run up to my room and throw my bag on the floor. ill never be perfect, my parents always neglect me and always praise my brother. My own brother hates me and beats me up. i lay down on my bed and shut my eyes, dreaming of a place where i'm welcomed and accepted.

times laps to 5:00

i'm awoken by loud obnoxious voice coming from my brothers room. he must have jeremy over again. i sit up and grab my laptop, i type in my password and start playing music. "shut that shit off!" i hear my brother scream. i sigh and turn it off. "VIC!" i hear my mom yell. "WHAT!" i respond. "COME HERE!" she replies. i run down stairs and into the kitchen, where my mom is. "whats a matter?" i ask my mother. "how was your da-OMG WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!" my mom yells once she turns around and sees me. "i fell into a bush." i lie smoothly. "aww my baby, you go back upstairs and rest." she orders. i nod and go back up to my room. all of a sudden mike and jeremy burst into my room. "did you tell mom on jeremy?" my brother asks sternly. "n-no i t-told m-mom i f-fell i-into a b-bush." i stutter out. "good, and you better not or you'll get it." my brother threatens." i nod quickly. they both chuckle darkly. "your nothing but a waste of space." jeremy spits. they laugh and leave my room. i try to blink away the tears that threatens to come, but they fall anyways. a sob breaks through my body. i lay down and pull the blanket over my body. i close my eyes and ask my self, will i ever be enough?